

As opposed to similar plugins or to `child_process.exec()`, this uses `execa` which provides: - Better Windows support, including shebangs - Faster and more secure commands, since no shell is used by default - Execution of locally installed binaries - Interleaved stdout/stderr

`gulp-execa` adds Gulp-specific features to `execa` including: - a task shortcut syntax - configurable verbosity - better errors

Commands can be executed either directly or inside a files stream. In streaming mode, unlike other libraries: - commands are run in parallel, not serially - output can be saved either in files or in variables

Monthly Downloads: 0
Programming language: JavaScript
License: Apache License 2.0
Tags: Nodejs     Utilities     Command Line Utilities     Node     JavaScript     Gulp     Terminal     CLI     Shell    
Latest version: v2.0.0

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Gulp.js command execution for humans.

As opposed to similar plugins or to child_process.exec(), this uses Execa which provides:

gulp-execa adds Gulp-specific features to Execa including:

Commands can be executed either directly or inside a files stream. In streaming mode, unlike other libraries:



const { src, dest } = require('gulp')
const { task, exec, stream } = require('gulp-execa')

module.exports.audit = task('npm audit')

module.exports.outdated = async () => {
  await exec('npm outdated')

module.exports.sort = () =>
    .pipe(stream(({ path }) => `sort ${path}`))


You can try this library:

  • either directly in your browser.
  • or by executing the [examples files](examples/README.md) in a terminal.


npm install -D gulp-execa

This plugin requires Gulp 4.


task(command, [options])

Returns a Gulp task that executes command.

const { task } = require('gulp-execa')

module.exports.audit = task('npm audit')

exec(command, [options])

Executes command. The return value is both a promise and a child_process instance.

The promise will be resolved with the command result. If the command failed, the promise will be rejected with a nice error. If the reject: false option was used, the promise will be resolved with that error instead.

const { exec } = require('gulp-execa')

module.exports.outdated = async () => {
  await exec('npm outdated')

stream(function, [options])

Returns a stream that executes a command on each input file.

function must:

  • take a Vinyl file as argument. The most useful property is file.path but other properties are available as well.
  • return either:
    • a command string
    • an options object with a command property
    • undefined
const { src, dest } = require('gulp')
const { stream } = require('gulp-execa')

module.exports.sort = () =>
    .pipe(stream(({ path }) => `sort ${path}`))

Each file in the stream will spawn a separate process. This can consume lots of resources so you should only use this method when there are no alternatives such as:

  • firing a command programmatically instead of spawning a child process
  • passing several files, a directory or a globbing pattern as arguments to the command

The verbose, stdout, stderr, all and stdio options cannot be used with this method.


By default no shell interpreter (like Bash or cmd.exe) is used. This means command must be just the program and its arguments. No escaping/quoting is needed, except for significant spaces (with a backslash).

Shell features such as globbing, variables and operators (like && > ;) should not be used. All of this can be done directly in Node.js instead.

Shell interpreters are slower, less secure and less cross-platform. However, you can still opt-in to using them with the shell option.

const { writeFileStream } = require('fs')

const { series } = require('gulp')

// Wrong
module.exports.check = task('npm audit && npm outdated')

// Correct
module.exports.check = series(task('npm audit'), task('npm outdated'))

// Wrong
module.exports.install = task('npm install > log.txt')

// Correct
module.exports.install = task('npm install', {
  stdout: writeFileStream('log.txt'),


options is an optional object.

All Execa options can be used. Please refer to its documentation for a list of possible options.

The following options are available as well.


Type: boolean\ Default: true for task() and exec(), false for stream().

Whether the command should be printed on the console.

$ gulp audit
[13:09:39] Using gulpfile ~/code/gulpfile.js
[13:09:39] Starting 'audit'...
[13:09:39] [gulp-execa] npm audit
[13:09:44] Finished 'audit' after 4.96 s


Type: boolean\ Default: true for task() and exec(), false for stream().

Whether both the command and its output (stdout/stderr) should be printed on the console instead of being returned in JavaScript.

$ gulp audit
[13:09:39] Using gulpfile ~/code/gulpfile.js
[13:09:39] Starting 'audit'...
[13:09:39] [gulp-execa] npm audit

                        == npm audit security report ===

found 0 vulnerabilities
 in 27282 scanned packages
[13:09:44] Finished 'audit' after 4.96 s


Type: string\ Value: 'replace' or 'save'\ Default: 'replace'

With stream(), whether the command result should:

  • replace the file's contents
  • save: be pushed to the file.execa array property

<!-- eslint-disable unicorn/no-null -->

const { src } = require('gulp')
const { stream } = require('gulp-execa')
const through = require('through2')

module.exports.default = () =>
    // Prints the number of lines of each file
    .pipe(stream(({ path }) => `wc -l ${path}`, { result: 'save' }))
      through.obj((file, encoding, func) => {
        func(null, file)


Type: string\ Value: 'stdout', 'stderr' or 'all'\ Default: 'stdout'

Which output stream to use with result: 'replace'.

<!-- eslint-disable unicorn/no-null -->

const { src } = require('gulp')
const { stream } = require('gulp-execa')
const through = require('through2')

module.exports.default = () =>
    // Prints the number of lines of each file, including `stderr`
      stream(({ path }) => `wc -l ${path}`, { result: 'replace', from: 'all' }),
      through.obj((file, encoding, func) => {
        func(null, file)


Type: integer\ Default: 100

With stream(), how many commands to run in parallel at once.

See also


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<!-- ALL-CONTRIBUTORS-LIST:START --> <!-- prettier-ignore --> ehmicky💻 🎨 🤔 📖Jonathan Haines🐛