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Changelog History
Page 23

  • v2.38.0 Changes

    October 16, 2017

    βœ… Unit tests passing.

    βœ… Regression tests passing.

    • πŸ’» Various schema field validators for required fields no longer crash on the browser side if a property is nonexistent, as opposed to being the expected empty string.
    • Buttons for editing pieces widgets now use less confusing language.
    • Accommodations for the apostrophe-headless module (arriving later today), including factoring out certain login-related and piece-related functionality to separate methods in order to make it easier to introduce RESTful APIs for the same features.
    • πŸ”’ Unit tests no longer drop the entire test database between suites; instead they drop the collections. Also the unit test timeout can be set via an environment variable. This accommodates testing against various cloud databases with security that precludes dropping entire databases.
    • πŸ“š Lots of new content in the README to get folks who haven't been to the documentation site yet a little more excited.
  • v2.37.2 Changes

    October 04, 2017

    βœ… Unit tests passing.

    βœ… Conflict resolution and template extension-related regression tests passing.

    • The conflict resolution feature, which helps users avoid conflicts in which neither is successfully able to save content reliably by explaining that two users are editing the same doc and offering the option of taking control, can now be disabled by setting the conflictResolution option of the apostrophe-docs module explicitly to false. We do not recommend the use of this option in normal practice, however it has valid applications in automated testing.

    • πŸ‘ Recently a bug was introduced in which extensions other than .html or .njk did not work in include statements, etc. in Nunjucks templates unless the file in question existed in the project-level version of the module including it. The full cascade of template folder paths is now supported for these explicit extensions, including searching viewsFolderFallback.

  • v2.37.1 Changes

    September 27, 2017

    βœ… Unit tests passing.

    βœ… Piece- and schema-related regression tests passing.

    • πŸš€ Filters are now available for schema fields of type integer. You can configure these for the manage view, or for pieces-pages, exactly as you would for other field types. Previously this feature existed but did not function properly, so this is a patchlevel release rather than a minor version bump.
    • πŸ›  Previously, when viewing pieces in the trash, the batch operation button initially read "Trash Items" rather than "Rescue Items." It did not match the selected operation in the select element, and did not perform the needed operation of rescuing items unless you switched operations and switched back again. This has been fixed.
  • v2.37.0 Changes

    September 25, 2017

    βœ… Unit tests passing.

    βœ… Regression tests passing.

    • πŸ†• New feature: you may now use the .njk file extension in addition to .html for your Nunjucks templates. In order to maximize the usefulness of this feature in the context of existing Apostrophe code, .njk is still checked for even if .html was specified when calling the render method. .njk is a convention adopted by the Nunjucks community and is supported by some syntax highlighters.
    • πŸ› Bug fix: drag-and-drop reordering and movement of widgets is once again functional. (The arrows worked all along.)
    • πŸ› Bug fix: drag-and-drop targets for widgets residing in areas nested in other widgets now appear and function properly.
  • v2.36.3 Changes

    September 20, 2017

    βœ… Unit tests passing.

    βœ… Regression tests passing.

    • πŸ“œ If an oembed provider responds with an HTTP error and a response that is not parseable as XML or JSON, Apostrophe no longer crashes (this fix is actually in the oembetter npm module). This fixes crashes on non-embeddable YouTube videos.
    • If the oembed provider issues a 401 or 404 error, a relevant error message is given. Otherwise the generic error icon is still given.
  • v2.36.2 Changes

    September 19, 2017

    βœ… Unit tests passing.

    βœ… Regression tests passing.

    • Dragging and dropping will now automatically scroll the "reorganize" dialog box.
    • Attempts to drag a page above or below the "Home" page in "reorganize" no longer cause a restart. Also, the interface rejects them gracefully.
    • Attempts to drag a page below the trashcan are rejected gracefully.
    • When trashInSchema is active, the "traditional" trash can sorts below "in-context" trash, and the traditional trash can receives the special label "Legacy Trash" to reduce confusion.
    • When on page two (or higher) in the "manage" view of pieces, performing a text search now correctly resets to page one.
    • Throw an error at startup if a forbidden schema field name is used in addFields configuration. For instance, type is forbidden for widget schemas, while docPermissions is forbidden for doc type schemas, and _id is forbidden for both. Note that field names like title that are already in the schema are not forbidden because re-adding a schema field replaces it, which is often done to change the label, etc. So we'll be adding more documentation about these to help developers avoid surprises if their intention was an entirely new field.
  • v2.36.1 Changes

    September 13, 2017

    βœ… Unit tests passing.

    βœ… Regression tests passing.

    • ⚠ Spurious conflict resolution warnings for pieces fixed.
    • Notifications are spaced properly, and in the upper right corner as intended, on all screens.
    • ⬆️ Reorganize feature: upgraded to jqtree 1.4.2. Regression testing found no bc breaks.
    • πŸ”Š A debugging convenience: the log(true) cursor filter logs MongoDB criteria objects resulting from the cursor in question to the console.
  • v2.36.0 Changes

    September 12, 2017

    βœ… Unit tests passing.

    βœ… Regression tests passing.

    • πŸ’… You may now set the skipInitialModal option for any widget module to true in order to avoid displaying the editing dialog box when the widget is first added. This makes sense if the widget has a useful default behavior, or consists of a contextually editable rich text sub-widget with a "style" select element you might or might not need to set every time.
    • Fields in Apostrophe's schema-driven forms now receive globally unique id attributes, and the for attributes of label elements now reference them properly.
  • v2.35.1 Changes

    September 08, 2017

    βœ… Unit tests passing.

    βœ… Regression tests passing.

    • Intermittent "not blessed" errors when editing joins in widget schemas have been corrected by blessing all widget schemas at page serve time, just as we already bless all doc type schemas at page serve time. Blessing them when the individual routes fire is problematic because of probable race conditions with sessions.
  • v2.35.0 Changes

    September 06, 2017

    βœ… Unit tests passing.

    βœ… Regression tests passing.

    • apos.areas.isEmpty(, 'body') will now tell you if that area is considered empty (it contains no widgets, or the widgets consider themselves empty).

    • πŸ”§ The new controls option may be passed to any widget, via apos.singleton or via the configuration for that specific widget type in an apos.area call. In this example, the widget cannot be removed, cannot be moved, and has its controls positioned at the upper right instead of the upper left:

      apos.singleton(, 'footer', 'apostrophe-rich-text', {
        controls: {
          removable: false,
          movable: false,
          position: 'top-right'

    The position suboption may be set to top-left, top-right, bottom-left or bottom-right.

    The removable and movable suboptions are primarily intended for singletons.

    • ⚑️ By popular demand, the insert and update methods of pieces now pass the piece to their callback as the second argument.

    • πŸ‘ Better CSS reset for Apostrophe's admin UI.

    • callOne added for convenience when you want to invoke a method normally invoked by callAll in the same way, but for only one module. Thanks to Arthur.

    • If an attachment does not exist, apos.attachments.url no longer results in a template error page. Instead a fallback icon is displayed and an error message is logged. Developers should still always check whether attachments and joined objects still exist in their templates. Thanks to RaphaΓ«l DiRago.

    • 🚚 Notifications within modals move to lower right corner of modal for readability.

    • Cleaned up font paths.

    • πŸš€ Accommodations for the latest release of the separately published apostrophe-workflow module.