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811 days ago

Changelog History
Page 15

  • v2.85.0 Changes

    March 27, 2019

    โœ… Unit tests passing.

    โœ… Regression tests passing.

    • If a JPEG file has EXIF data such as the description, credit, etc. this information is now copied into new properties of the attachment field and made available automatically on corresponding new schema properties of apostrophe-images pieces.
    • now becomes available even before its joins and area loaders are ๐ŸŽ executed, as req.aposGlobalCore. This allows modules such as apostrophe-pieces-orderings-bundle to avoid recursive scenarios and performance problems.
    • Sortable columns in the manage view can now indicate whether the first click sorts forwards or backwards, simply by specifying the sort direction in the usual MongoDB way with 1 or -1.
    • Sortable columns can now be toggled from "no sort" to "forward" to "backward" and back to "no sort" again, and the hover state indicates all of these "next" states.
    • ๐Ÿšš The limitByAll and limitByTag options of the apostrophe-pieces-widgets module now correctly remove these fields from the showFields of the select element that chooses how the widget will select content to display.
    • To select many consecutive pieces or pages quickly in the "Manage Pieces" and "Reorganize Pages" views, hold down the shift button while clicking a second piece. All pieces between the two pieces selected so far will be chosen.
    • ๐Ÿ›  Fixed a bug where removing an array item other than the last could cause a failure of the array field editor if the last array item were active. Thanks to anwarhussain93.
  • v2.84.1 Changes

    March 25, 2019
    • ๐Ÿ“š Documentation issue only. No code changes.
  • v2.84.0 Changes

    March 25, 2019

    โœ… Unit tests passing.

    โœ… Regression tests passing.

    • npm audit issue: nunjucks

      • Created maintenance-only fork of nunjucks 2.x as @apostrophecms/nunjucks
      • We will use Nunjucks 3.x in Apostrophe 3.x, this is a maintenance fork only
      • Addressed dependency on old version of chokidar in nunjucks 2.x
    • npm audit issue: clean-css

      • Verified this module offers no significant improvement in minification over the compress flag of less
      • Removed this module from ApostropheCMS
      • Verified CSS still minifies
    • You may now sort the "Manage Pieces" view by clicking on any column that has a sort โšก๏ธ property. By default title and updatedAt are now sortable. When using addColumns specify a sort property like:

    sort: {
      title: 1

    ๐Ÿ‘€ For more information see custom columns and sortable columns for the "manage pieces" ๐Ÿ“„ modal.

    • ๐Ÿ›  Fixed several situations formerly requiring a page refresh before editing. More ๐Ÿ›  such fixes to come. Thanks to hexitex for the bug reports and insight into the causes.

    • A recent change broke the display of the minimum image size to the user. This ๐Ÿ›  has been fixed.

    • โš  A new warning has been added for failure to use arrangeFields comprehensively for all of your fields to make the "manage pieces" modal as clear as possible for the user.

    • ๐Ÿ›  Fixes were made allowing contextual editing of more types of content nested in object fields on the page. Thanks to bharathkumarc.

    ๐Ÿ‘ Many thanks to Michelin for making much of this work possible via Apostrophe Enterprise Support.

  • v2.83.1 Changes

    March 13, 2019

    โœ… Unit tests passing.

    โœ… Regression tests passing.

    • ๐Ÿ› Bug fix: a crash in the lock refresh route was possible if an advisory lock was taken away by another tab or user. Thanks to hexitex for the report and the solution.
  • v2.83.0 Changes

    March 12, 2019

    โœ… Unit tests passing.

    โœ… Regression tests passing.

    • โšก๏ธ When using the apostrophe-pieces-import module, you may now set the importAsRichText: true option on an area or singleton field to import markup rather than treating it as plaintext. With this setting in place the behavior matches apostrophe-pieces-export. Also note that both apostrophe-pieces-import and apostrophe-pieces-export have been updated to be more compatible with one another.
  • v2.82.0 Changes

    March 08, 2019

    โœ… Unit tests passing.

    โœ… Regression tests passing.

    • If the APOS_ALWAYS_COPY_ASSETS environment variable is set, always copy assets rather than symlinking them. This is useful when running under Docker. Thanks to hexitex for this contribution. See also building Docker images for Apostrophe projects.
  • v2.81.2 Changes

    March 06, 2019

    โœ… Unit tests passing.

    โœ… Regression tests passing.

    • Stability improvement: search index method of the tags type will not crash if the tags type is somehow truthy without being an array.
  • v2.81.1 Changes

    March 05, 2019

    โœ… Unit tests passing.

    โœ… Regression tests passing.

    • โœ… Default values are now respected by the global doc. Specifically, if your field has a def property when the global doc is first created, it will be set accordingly. In addition, if a field is added to the schema and your site is restarted, it will also be added with the correct default at this time. Tests coverage has been added for this scenario.
  • v2.81.0 Changes

    March 04, 2019

    โœ… Unit tests passing.

    โœ… Regression tests passing.

    • ๐Ÿ’ป The conflict resolution mechanism for simultaneous edits has been improved. Previously, Apostrophe tracked how long it had been since the "last edit" by the previous person. But if the browser window closed without sending an "unlock" message, that "last edit" might be a very long time ago. This led to nuisance confirmation prompts and a tendency to ignore their message.

    ๐Ÿš€ Beginning with this release, the browser instead actively refreshes the lock periodically. And if the browser does not do so for 5 minutes, the lock is automatically discarded.

    ๐Ÿ‘€ This greatly reduces the chance that you will see a "someone else is editing that document" message when this is not actually the case.

    ๐Ÿ‘€ However, do note that you will no longer see an indication of the "last edit" time. This is because this time was never really meaningful for the "Edit Piece" dialog box, and often misleading for on-page editing as well. Instead, you may assume that the other person is still at the very least on the page in question if you see this message at all.

    • ๐Ÿš€ Although it was released separately as part of the launder module, and an npm update should fetch it for you automatically, it should be mentioned that launder version 1.1.1 has been released and prevents crashes if the value of some of your select element choices is null or undefined. Such choices do not work and cannot be selected reliably (only strings and numbers are supported, including the empty string), but since versions prior to 1.1.0 did not crash on such choices, we have patched 1.1.1 to also tolerate their presence.

    ๐Ÿ‘ Thanks to our Apostrophe Enterprise Support clients for making these enhancements possible.

    • The case-insensitive sort for filter choices no longer crashes if a choice cannot be converted to a string. Thanks to Fawzi Fakhro.
  • v2.80.0 Changes

    February 28, 2019

    โœ… Unit tests passing.

    โœ… Regression tests passing.

    • A recently introduced change broke the filtering that prevented users from selecting too-small images when minSize is in effect. This has been corrected. Note that site visitors never actually saw too-small images because filtering did take effect later in the process.
    • Numbers (in addition to strings) are now permissible choices for select elements. If the choice selected is a number, a number will be stored in the field. Most of this fix is in the launder module but there is a small fix in apostrophe core as well.
    • If a doc is in the trash already, the edit dialog box should have a "Rescue" button rather than a "Trash" button on the "More" dropdown menu.
    • boolean fields can now be made mandatory. If a boolean field is mandatory, the form will not validate unless the user selects "Yes." This is useful for simple "terms and conditions" forms. You must specify a message to be shown to the user if they do not select "Yes," like this:
      name: 'toc',
      label: 'Accept the Terms and Conditions',
      type: 'boolean',
      // Displayed if you try to save without picking Yes
      mandatory: 'You must accept the Terms and Conditions to continue.',
      // Always displayed
      help: 'I have read and accept the Terms and Conditions.'

    ๐Ÿ“š Although the documentation formerly claimed that required: true would have this effect for boolean fields, it was pointed out that this functionality did not work, and as a result far too many sites already use required: true for booleans in a way that would break if we implemented the original documented behavior. Therefore we are changing the documentation to match this new implementation that maintains backwards compatibility.