Hemera v1.2.3 Release Notes

  • Summary

    ⚠ Manage plugin dependencies. The dependencies attribute is used to identify the dependencies of a plugin. When the plugin could not be resolved a warning appears and an error is thrown. Does not provide version dependency which should be implemented using npm peer dependencies.

    exports.plugin = function myPlugin (options) {
      var hemera = this
        topic: 'math',
        cmd: 'add'
      }, (req, cb) => {
        cb(null, req.a + req.b)
    exports.options = {}
    exports.attributes = {
      dependencies: ['hemera-joi'],
      pkg: require('./package.json')

    Error Message

     Plugin `myPlugin` requires `hemera-foo` as dependency. Please install with 'npm install --save hemera-foo'