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Changelog History
Page 8

  • v9.4.1 Changes

    • 👯 Implemented the cloning steps for <input> elements, so that cloned inputs properly copy over their value, checkedness, dirty value flag, and dirty checkedness flag. (matthewp)
  • v9.4.0 Changes

    • ➕ Added the DOMParser API. It is spec-compliant, including producing <parsererror> elements, except that the produced documents do not have the same URL as the creating document (they instead always have "about:blank").
    • ➕ Added strict XML parsing when using parsingMode: "xml". Creating documents will now fail, just like in a browser, when ill-formed XHTML markup is used.
    • ➕ Added some rudimentary application of XML <!ENTITY declarations.
    • ➕ Added window.frameElement, although without appropriate cross-origin security checks.
    • ➕ Added the jsdom.evalVMScript public API.
    • ➕ Added more custom request agent support: you can now pass agent and agentClass in addition to agentOptions. (frarees)
    • ⚡️ Updated our elements-being-disabled semantics to more closely match the spec, in particular with regard to being descendants of <fieldset disabled>.
    • ⚡️ Updated FormData for recent spec fixes: blobs, files, and filenames should now all work like you'd expect.
    • ⚡️ Updated the FormData constructor to use the proper, rather-complex, constructing the form data set algorithm.
    • 🛠 Fixed all constructors that appears as globals on the jsdom window object to be non-enumerable.
    • 🛠 Fixed <script> elements to load when they gain a src attribute while in a document.
    • 🛠 Fixed <link rel="stylesheet"> elements to load when their href attributes change while in a document.
    • 🛠 Fixed the loading of external <img>s (when the canvas npm package is installed) that were specified via relative URL; this regressed in 9.2.1.
    • 🛠 Fixed <iframe> documents to have the correct referrer value (viz. the URL of their parent).
    • 🛠 Fixed the value of input.checked inside click events on checkboxes.
    • 🛠 Fixed the window object's named properties to correctly return the <iframe> element or the <iframe>'s window in appropriate scenarios involving name vs. id attributes on the <iframe>. (matthewp)
  • v9.3.0 Changes

    • ➕ Added the Audio named constructor.
    • 🛠 Fixed the Image named constructor to follow the spec more closely (e.g. Image.prototype is now equal to HTMLImageElement.prototype).
    • 🛠 Fixed the tabIndex setter, which regressed in 9.1.0, to no longer cause errors.
    • Made submit buttons and labels respond to click event cancelation correctly, preventing form submission and re-dispatching to the relevant form control. (marcandre)
    • 🛠 Fixed unhandled errors thrown in XHR event handlers being swallowed; they now properly are redirected to the virtual console.
  • v9.2.1 Changes

    • 🛠 Fixed <input>'s selectionStart, selectionEnd, and selectionDirection getters to return null, instead of throwing, for elements that do not allow selection, per a recent spec change.
    • 🛠 Fixed <base>'s href getter logic to return the attribute value instead of the empty string for unparseable URLs, per a recent spec change.
    • 🛠 Fixed the referrer sent when retrieving external resources to be the document's URL, not the document's base URL.
    • 🛠 Fixed suppression of all error events on window beyond the first one.
    • 🛠 Fixed new URL to correctly throw for unparseable URLs, and all of URL's setters to correctly ignore invalid input instead of throwing.
    • 🛠 Fixed StyleSheetList.prototype.item to return null instead of undefined for out-of-bounds indices. (Ginden)
    • 💅 Updated cssstyle minimum version to ensure all jsdom installs (not just fresh ones) get the benefit of cssstyle's recently-better background and width setters.
  • v9.2.0 Changes

    • ➕ Added jsdom.changeURL(window, newURL) for allowing you to override a window's existing URL. (mummybot)
    • 🛠 Fixed the proxy option to be applied to all requests; previously it was not always passed through. (nicolashenry)
    • 🛠 Fixed XMLHttpRequest response header filtering for cross-origin requests; this also fixes ProgressEvents fired from such XHRs. (nicolashenry)
  • v9.1.0 Changes

    • ➕ Added a somewhat-reasonable implementation of focus and focus events. Although the full complexity of focus is not implemented, the following improvements have been made:
      • Only elements which are focusable can be focused.
      • Added the FocusEvent class, and now focus and blur events are fired appropriately.
      • tabIndex now returns 0 by default for focusable elements.
    • Reimplemented navigator to be to-spec:
      • Added appCodeName, product, productSub, vendor, and vendorSub; also changes userAgent, appName, platform, and version to be more browser-like instead of based on various Node.js information.
      • Added language and languages.
      • Added onLine.
      • Added javaEnabled().
      • Removed noUI.
    • 🛠 Fixed formEl.action to return a value resolved relative to the document URL, or to return the document URL if the corresponding attribute is missing or empty.
    • Sped up XPath execution. (vsemozhetbyt)
    • 🛠 Fixed window.close() not correctly clearing event listeners on the document. (Ojek)
    • 🛠 Fixed a regression introduced in v9.0.0 where invalid CSS would cause a crash while attempting to parse it. Instead, a "jsdomError" will now be emitted to the virtual console.
  • v9.0.0 Changes

    🚀 This major release removes jsdom's support for mutation events. Mutation events were never well-specified, and the modern DOM Standard omits them in the hopes that they can be removed from browsers (although this has not yet happened in major browser engines). We had hoped to implement their modern alternative, mutation observers, before performing this removal, to give jsdom users the same capabilities.

    🚀 However, recent performance investigations revealed that mutation events were the major bottleneck in most jsdom operations; tools like ecmarkup which make heavy use of jsdom had their running time halved by removing mutation events, which add serious overhead to every DOM mutation. As such, we are doing a major release with them removed, so that jsdom users can benefit from this massive performance gain.

    👍 Mutation observer support is in progress; please use the GitHub reactions feature to vote on that issue if you are impacted by this removal and are hoping for mutation observer support to replace it.

    🌲 Your normal change log follows:

    • Removed mutation events, as discussed above.
    • ➕ Added the DOMTokenList.prototype.replace method. (nicolashenry)
    • ⚡️ Updated DOMTokenList.prototype.contains to no longer validate its arguments, as per the latest spec. (nicolashenry)
    • Made various improvements to XMLHttpRequest (nicolashenry):
      • Added the responseURL property.
      • Updated methods, headers, and header values to use the ByteString algorithm.
      • Fixed the default statusText to be "" instead of "OK".
    • 🛠 Fixed the Blob constructor's type validation. (nicolashenry)
  • v8.5.0 Changes

    • ➕ Added encoding handling (nicolashenry)
      • jsdom.env, when given a URL or file, will decode the resulting bytes using signals like the Content-Type header, <meta charset> declaration, or presence of a BOM, in the same manner as web browsers.
      • Fetching external resources, via mechanisms such as XMLHttpRequest or <script>/<link>/<iframe> tags, will also account for such signals.
      • jsdom.jsdom(), which takes a string, still sets a "UTF-8" encoding by default, since there are no bytes or headers for it to sniff an encoding from.
    • ✂ Removed iframe.sandbox property, since it was not implemented and simply crashed when used.
    • ✂ Removed element.sourceIndex property, since it was nonstandard (Internet Explorer only).
    • 🛠 Fixed setting proxied inline event handlers, such as doc.body's onload="" attribute, for documents that do not have a browsing context.
  • v8.4.1 Changes

    • 🛠 Fixed an issue where setting selected on an multi-select would clear all other selectedness.
  • v8.4.0 Changes

    • ➕ Added an implementation of the TreeWalker class (and document.createTreeWalker). (garycourt)
    • 🛠 Fixed a few minor bugs in URL parsing and the URL API, by upgrading to whatwg-url v2.0.1.
    • 🛠 Fixed a few issues with generated files in the published package, which seem to have impacted webpack users.