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Showing projects tagged as Browser
6.7 0.0 L5 JavaScriptBrowser compilation library – an asset pipeline for applications that run in the browser -
6.1 0.0 L3 JavaScriptA JavaScript library for binding keyboard combos without the pain of key codes and key combo conflicts. -
5.2 0.0 L2 JavaScriptExcel XLSX parser/generator written in JavaScript with Node.js and browser support, jQuery/d3-style method chaining, encryption, and a focus on keeping existing workbook features and styles in tact. -
3.6 2.6 JavaScriptKill all Chrome tabs to improve performance, decrease battery usage, and save memory -
0.4 0.0 TypeScriptMATH NODE JS (MNJS): A tiny math library for node.js & JavaScript on browser
* Code Quality Rankings and insights are calculated and provided by Lumnify.
They vary from L1 to L5 with "L5" being the highest.