Moleculer v0.14.19 Release Notes

Release Date: 2022-01-08 // over 2 years ago
  • 69 commits from 7 contributors.

    Custom error recreation feature #1017

    You can create a custom Regenerator class that is able to serialize and deserialize your custom errors. It's necessary when the custom error is created on a remote node and must be serialized to be able to send it back to the caller.

    Create a custom Regenerator

    const { Regenerator, MoleculerError } = require("moleculer").Errors;
    class TimestampedError extends MoleculerError {
        constructor(message, code, type, data, timestamp) {
            super(message, code, type, data);
            this.timestamp = timestamp;
    class CustomRegenerator extends Regenerator {
        restoreCustomError(plainError, payload) {
            const { name, message, code, type, data, timestamp } = plainError;
            switch (name) {
                case "TimestampedError":
                    return new TimestampedError(message, code, type, data, timestamp);
        extractPlainError(err) {
            return {
                timestamp: err.timestamp
    module.exports = CustomRegenerator;

    👉 Use it in broker options

    // moleculer.config.js
    const CustomRegenerator = require("./custom-regenerator");
    module.exports = {
        errorRegenerator: new CustomRegenerator()

    Error events #1048

    When an error occurred inside ServiceBroker, it's printed to the console, but there was no option that you can process it programmatically (e.g. transfer to an external monitoring service). This feature solves it. Every error inside ServiceBroker broadcasts a local (not transported) event ($transporter.error, $broker.error, $transit.error, $cacher.error, $discoverer.error) what you can listen in your dedicated service or in a middleware.

    Example to listen in an error-tracker service

    module.exports = {
        name: "error-tracker",
        events: {
            "$**.error": {
                handler(ctx) {
                    // Send the error to the tracker

    Example to listen in a middleware or in broker options

    module.exports = {
        created(broker) {
            broker.localBus.on("*.error", payload => {
                // Send the error to the tracker

    Wildcards in Action Hooks #1051

    You can use * wildcard in action names when you use it in Action Hooks.


    hooks: {
        before: {
            // Applies to all actions that start with "create-"
            "create-*": [],
            // Applies to all actions that end with "-user"
            "*-user": [],

    Other Changes

    • ⚡️ update dependencies.
    • ⚡️ update d.ts file. #1025, #1028, #1032
    • ➕ add safetyTags option to tracing exporters. #1052