Bunyan v0.17.0 Release Notes

    • 🌲 [issue #33] Log rotation support:

      var bunyan = require('bunyan');
      var log = bunyan.createLogger({
          name: 'myapp',
          streams: [{
              type: 'rotating-file',
              path: '/var/log/myapp.log',
              count: 7,
              period: 'daily'
    • 🚤 Tweak to CLI default pretty output: don't special case "latency" field. The special casing was perhaps nice, but less self-explanatory. Before:

      [2012-12-27T21:17:38.218Z]  INFO: audit/45769 on myserver: handled: 200 (15ms, audit=true, bar=baz)
        GET /foo


        [2012-12-27T21:17:38.218Z]  INFO: audit/45769 on myserver: handled: 200 (audit=true, bar=baz, latency=15)
          GET /foo
    • Exit CLI on EPIPE, otherwise we sit there useless processing a huge log file with, e.g. bunyan huge.log | head.