

Node.js prints process errors (`uncaughtException`, `warning`, `unhandledRejection`, `rejectionHandled`) on the console which is very useful. Unfortunately those errors:

- do not show stack traces for `warning` and `rejectionHandled` making them hard to debug. - do not include `multipleResolves` errors (when a promise is resolved/rejected twice). - are inconvenient to log to an external service. - are hard to test. - cannot be conditionally skipped. - are printed each time an error is repeated (except for `warning`). - are not human-friendly.

`log-process-errors` fixes all those issues.

Monthly Downloads: 0
Programming language: JavaScript
License: Apache License 2.0
Tags: Log     Monitoring     Logging     Process     Error-handling     Exception     Debugging    
Latest version: v6.2.0

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Show some ❤️ to Node.js process errors.

Node.js prints process errors (uncaughtException, warning, unhandledRejection, rejectionHandled) on the console which is very useful. Unfortunately those errors:

  • do not show stack traces for warning and rejectionHandled making them hard to debug.
  • do not include multipleResolves errors (when a promise is resolved/rejected twice).
  • are inconvenient to [log to an external service](docs/API.md#log).
  • are hard to [test](docs/API.md#testing).
  • cannot be conditionally skipped.
  • are printed each time an error is repeated (except for warning).
  • are not human-friendly.

log-process-errors fixes all those issues.

Without log-process-errors:

[Screenshot before](docs/before.png)

With log-process-errors:

[Screenshot after](docs/after.png)

Use cases

  • Proper logging of process errors in production.
  • Debugging of process errors in development.
  • Automated testing of process errors.


You can try this library:

  • either directly in your browser.
  • or by executing the [examples files](examples/README.md) in a terminal.


Production code (e.g. a server) can install this either as a production or development dependency:

npm install log-process-errors

However, libraries should install this as a development dependency:

npm install -D log-process-errors

This is because logging is modified globally and libraries users might not expect this side-effect. Also, this might lead to conflicts between libraries.


There are two ways to load this library. The first is to use the node -r CLI flag:

node -r log-process-errors/build/register ...

The second is:

const logProcessErrors = require('log-process-errors')

logProcessErrors() should be called as early as possible in the code, before other require/import statements.


options is an optional object with the following properties.


Type: function(error, level, originalError)

Customizes how process errors are logged.\ [Full documentation](docs/API.md#log).


Type: object\ Default: { warning: 'warn', multipleResolves: 'info', default: 'error' }

Which log level to use.\ [Full documentation](docs/API.md#level).


Type: string[]\ Default: ['uncaughtException']

Which process errors should trigger process.exit(1).\ [Full documentation](docs/API.md#exiton).


Type: string\ Value: 'ava', 'mocha', 'jasmine', 'tape' or 'node-tap'\ Default: undefined

When running tests, makes them fail if there are any process errors.\ [Full documentation](docs/API.md#testing).


Type: boolean\ Default: true if the output is a terminal.

Colorizes messages.\ [Full documentation](docs/API.md#colors).


If you found a bug or would like a new feature, don't hesitate to [submit an issue on GitHub](../../issues).

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