
Code Quality Rank: L4
Programming language: JavaScript
License: MIT License
Tags: Miscellaneous     Git     Native     Git2     Libgit2    
Latest version: v0.28.0-alpha.9

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Node bindings to the libgit2 project.

Actions Status

Stable ([email protected]): 0.28.3

Have a problem? Come chat with us!

Visit slack.libgit2.org to sign up, then join us in #nodegit.

Maintained by

Tyler Ang-Wanek @twwanek with help from tons of awesome contributors!

Alumni Maintainers

Tim Branyen @tbranyen, John Haley @johnhaley81, Max Korp @maxkorp, Steve Smith @orderedlist, Michael Robinson @codeofinterest, and Nick Kallen @nk

API Documentation.


Getting started.

NodeGit will work on most systems out-of-the-box without any native dependencies.

npm install nodegit

If you receive errors about libstdc++, which are commonly experienced when building on Travis-CI, you can fix this by upgrading to the latest libstdc++-4.9.

In Ubuntu:

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:ubuntu-toolchain-r/test
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install libstdc++-4.9-dev

In Travis:

      - ubuntu-toolchain-r-test
      - libstdc++-4.9-dev

In CircleCI:

      - sudo add-apt-repository -y ppa:ubuntu-toolchain-r/test
      - sudo apt-get update
      - sudo apt-get install -y libstdc++-4.9-dev

If you receive errors about lifecycleScripts preinstall/install you probably miss libssl-dev In Ubuntu:

sudo apt-get install libssl-dev

You will need the following libraries installed on your linux machine:

  • libpcre
  • libpcreposix
  • libkrb5
  • libk5crypto
  • libcom_err

When building locally, you will also need development packages for kerberos and pcre, so both of these utilities must be present on your machine:

  • pcre-config
  • krb5-config

If you are still encountering problems while installing, you should try the Building from source instructions.

API examples.

Cloning a repository and reading a file:

var Git = require("nodegit");

// Clone a given repository into the `./tmp` folder.
Git.Clone("https://github.com/nodegit/nodegit", "./tmp")
  // Look up this known commit.
  .then(function(repo) {
    // Use a known commit sha from this repository.
    return repo.getCommit("59b20b8d5c6ff8d09518454d4dd8b7b30f095ab5");
  // Look up a specific file within that commit.
  .then(function(commit) {
    return commit.getEntry("README.md");
  // Get the blob contents from the file.
  .then(function(entry) {
    // Patch the blob to contain a reference to the entry.
    return entry.getBlob().then(function(blob) {
      blob.entry = entry;
      return blob;
  // Display information about the blob.
  .then(function(blob) {
    // Show the path, sha, and filesize in bytes.
    console.log(blob.entry.path() + blob.entry.sha() + blob.rawsize() + "b");

    // Show a spacer.
    console.log(Array(72).join("=") + "\n\n");

    // Show the entire file.
  .catch(function(err) { console.log(err); });

Emulating git log:

var Git = require("nodegit");

// Open the repository directory.
  // Open the master branch.
  .then(function(repo) {
    return repo.getMasterCommit();
  // Display information about commits on master.
  .then(function(firstCommitOnMaster) {
    // Create a new history event emitter.
    var history = firstCommitOnMaster.history();

    // Create a counter to only show up to 9 entries.
    var count = 0;

    // Listen for commit events from the history.
    history.on("commit", function(commit) {
      // Disregard commits past 9.
      if (++count >= 9) {

      // Show the commit sha.
      console.log("commit " + commit.sha());

      // Store the author object.
      var author = commit.author();

      // Display author information.
      console.log("Author:\t" + author.name() + " <" + author.email() + ">");

      // Show the commit date.
      console.log("Date:\t" + commit.date());

      // Give some space and show the message.
      console.log("\n    " + commit.message());

    // Start emitting events.

For more examples, check the examples/ folder.

Unit tests.

You will need to build locally before running the tests. See above.

npm test