

Super Fast Complex Object Validator for Javascript(& Typescript).

Safen supports the syntax similar to the type script interface. This makes it easy to create complex validation rules.

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Programming language: TypeScript
Tags: JSON     Data Validation     Validator     Validation     Jsonschema    

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Super Fast Object Validatorfor Javascript(& Typescript).

Safen supports the syntax similar to the type script interface. This makes it easy to create validation rules.


Please check this link for the 1.x version of the README.

How to use



npm install safen --save


import * as safen from "safen"

// or
const safen = require("safen")


const validator = safen.sfl`{
  username: (string & email & length_between(12, 100)) | null,
  password?: string & length_between(8, 20),
  areas: {
    lat: number & between(-90, 90),
    lng: number & between(-180, 180),
  }[1:] | null,
  env: {
    referer: url,
    ip: ip("v4"),
    os: {
      name: in("window", "osx", "android", "iphone"),
      version: string,
    browser: {
      name: in("chrome", "firefox", "edge", "ie"),
      version: string,

  username: "[email protected]",
  areas: [
    {lat: 0, lng: 0},
  env: {
    referer: "http://wan2land.github.io",
    ip: "",
    os: {
      name: "osx",
      version: "10.13.1",
    browser: {
      name: "chrome",
      version: "62.0.3202.94",
}) // ok

There are two method in Safen, named validate, assert. validate returns boolean and assert throws Exception.

validate method

const validator = safen.sfl<string | null>`(string & email & length_between(12, 100)) | null`

// in javascript,
// const validator = safen.sfl`(string & email & length_between(12, 100)) | null`
// const validator = safen.create(`(string & email & length_between(12, 100)) | null`)

// typescript with Generic
if (validator.validate(data)) {
  // now data is string!

validator.validate("[email protected]") // return true
validator.validate(null) // return true

validator.validate("wan2land") // return false, it is not email!

assert method

const validator = safen.sfl<string | null>`(string & email & length_between(12, 100)) | null`

// in javascript,
// const validator = safen.sfl`(string & email & length_between(12, 100)) | null`
// const validator = safen.create(`(string & email & length_between(12, 100)) | null`)

validator.assert("[email protected]") // nothing happens
validator.assert(null) // nothing happens

validator.assert("wan2land") // safen.InvalidValudError occured!


Type Syntax

You can easily set the validation by supporting the and, or syntax.

const validator = safen.sfl`{
  username: (string & email & length_between(12, 100)) | null,

  username: "[email protected]",
}) // ok
  username: null,
}) // ok

try {
    username: "wan2land",
  }) // fail
} catch (e) {
  if (e instanceof safen.InvalidValueError) {
        path: "username",
        reason: "email",
        params: [],
        message: "The username must be a valid email address.",
        path: "username",
        reason: "null",
        params: [],
        message: "The username must be a null.",

Object Syntax

Optional field

The "?" character can be used to define optional field, which allows no key value or undefined for objects.

const validator = safen.sfl`{
  username: string & length_between(4, 20),
  password?: length_between(8, 20),

  username: "wan2land",
  password: "password!@#",
}) // ok

  username: "wan2land",
  // undefined password is OK.
}) // ok

  username: "wan2land",
  password: undefined, // undefined password is also OK.
}) // ok

try {
    // undefined username is not ok.
    password: "password!@#",
  }) // fail
} catch (e) {
  if (e instanceof safen.InvalidValueError) {
        path: "username",
        reason: "required",
        params: [],
        message: "The username is required.",

try {
    username: "wan2land",
    password: null, // null is not allowed
  }) // fail
} catch (e) {
  if (e instanceof safen.InvalidValueError) {
        path: "password",
        reason: "length",
        params: [],
        message: "The username is required.",
Nested object

Validating nested objects also can be easily done. In addition, the error message makes it easier to check the error path.

const validator = safen.sfl`{
  username: string & length_between(4, 20),
  areas: {
    lat: number & between(-90, 90),
    lng: number & between(-180, 180),

  username: "wan2land",
  areas: {
    lat: 37,
    lng: 126,
}) // ok

try {
    username: "wan2land",
    areas: {
      lat: "37",
      lng: 126,
  }) // fail
} catch (e) {
  if (e instanceof safen.InvalidValueError) {
        path: "areas.lat",
        reason: "number",
        params: [],
        message: "The areas.lat must be a number.",

  username: "wan2land",
  areas: {
    lat: 37,
    lng: 126,
}) // ok

Array Syntax

Simple array
const validator = safen.sfl`{
  areas: {
    lat: number,
    lng: number,

  areas: [], // empty is OK
}) // ok

  areas: [
    {lat: 37, lng: 126},
    {lat: 31, lng: 125},
}) // ok

try {
    areas: "",
  }) // fail
} catch (e) {
  if (e instanceof safen.InvalidValueError) {
        path: "areas",
        reason: "array",
        params: [],
        message: "The areas must be an array.",
Fixed size array
const validator = safen.sfl`{
  areas: {
    lat: number,
    lng: number,

  areas: [
    {lat: 37, lng: 126},
    {lat: 31, lng: 125},
}) // ok

try {
    areas: [
      {lat: 37, lng: 126},
      {lat: 31, lng: 125},
      {lat: 31, lng: 125},
  }) // fail
} catch (e) {
  if (e instanceof safen.InvalidValueError) {
        path: "areas",
        reason: "array_length",
        params: [2],
        message: "The areas's length must be 2.",

try {
    areas: [
      {lat: 37, lng: 126},
  }) // fail
} catch (e) {
  if (e instanceof safen.InvalidValueError) {
        path: "areas",
        reason: "array_length",
        params: [2],
        message: "The areas's length must be 2.",
Array with minimum size
const validator = safen.sfl`{
  areas: {
    lat: number,
    lng: number,

  areas: [
    {lat: 31, lng: 125},
}) // ok

  areas: [
    {lat: 37, lng: 126},
    {lat: 31, lng: 125},
}) // ok

try {
    areas: [],
  }) // fail
} catch (e) {
  if (e instanceof safen.InvalidValueError) {
        path: "areas",
        reason: "array_length_min",
        params: [1],
        message: "The areas's length must be at least 1.",
Array with maximum size
const validator = safen.sfl`{
  areas: {
    lat: number,
    lng: number,

  areas: [
    {lat: 31, lng: 125},
}) // ok

  areas: [
    {lat: 37, lng: 126},
    {lat: 31, lng: 125},
}) // ok

try {
    areas: [
      {lat: 37, lng: 126},
      {lat: 31, lng: 125},
      {lat: 32, lng: 121},
  }) // fail
} catch (e) {
  if (e instanceof safen.InvalidValueError) {
        path: "areas",
        reason: "array_length_max",
        params: [2],
        message: "The areas's length may not be greater than 2.",
Sized array
const validator = safen.sfl`{
  areas: {
    lat: number,
    lng: number,

  areas: [
    {lat: 31, lng: 125},
}) // ok

  areas: [
    {lat: 37, lng: 126},
    {lat: 31, lng: 125},
}) // ok

try {
    areas: [],
  }) // fail
} catch (e) {
  if (e instanceof safen.InvalidValueError) {
        path: "areas",
        reason: "array_length_between",
        params: [1, 2],
        message: "The areas's length must be between 1 and 2.",

try {
    areas: [
      {lat: 37, lng: 126},
      {lat: 31, lng: 125},
      {lat: 32, lng: 121},
  }) // fail
} catch (e) {
  if (e instanceof safen.InvalidValueError) {
        path: "areas",
        reason: "array_length_between",
        params: [1, 2],
        message: "The areas's length must be between 1 and 2.",
Nested array
const validator = safen.sfl`{
  areas: {
    lat: number,
    lng: number,

  areas: [
      {lat: 37, lng: 126},
      {lat: 31, lng: 125},
      {lat: 37, lng: 126},
      {lat: 31, lng: 125},
}) // ok

try {
    areas: [
      {lat: 37, lng: 126},
      {lat: 31, lng: 125},
  }) // fail
} catch (e) {
  if (e instanceof safen.InvalidValueError) {
        path: "areas[0]",
        reason: "array",
        params: [],
        message: "The areas[0] must be an array.",
        path: "areas[1]",
        reason: "array",
        params: [],
        message: "The areas[1] must be an array.",

Custom Tester

Custom tester is written in template format like below:

const oddTester: safen.Tester = (value, params, gen) => {
  return `(Number.isInteger(${value}) && ${value} % 2 === 1)`

const evenTester: safen.Tester = (value, params, gen) => {
  return `(Number.isInteger(${value}) && ${value} % 2 === 0)`

const validation = safen.create(`{
  even: even,
  odd: odd,
}`, {
  testers: {
    odd: oddTester,
    even: evenTester,

expect(validation.validate({even: 2, odd: 1})).toBeTruthy()

expect(validation.validate({even: 1, odd: 1})).toBeFalsy()
expect(validation.validate({even: 2, odd: 2})).toBeFalsy()
expect(validation.validate({even: 1, odd: 2})).toBeFalsy()

A more complex example is:

  • example of params and gen: [before tester](./src/testers/before.ts)

Custom Error Messages

If needed, you can add custom error messages.

const validator = safen.create(`{
  username: email,
}`, {
  messages: {
    email: [
      "this is a custom error message in :path.", // exist `:path`
      "this is a custom error message.", // no `:path`

try {
    username: "wan2land",
  }) // fail
} catch (e) {
  if (e instanceof safen.InvalidValueError) {
        path: "username",
        reason: "email",
        params: [],
        message: "this is a custom error message in username.",

The :params will be replaced by field name. For example :

const validator = safen.create(`{
  foo: email,
  bar: between(1, 2),
  baz: in("a", "b", "c"),
}`, {
  messages: {
    required: ["The :path is required.", "It is required."],
    between: ["The :path must be between :param0 and :param1.", "It must be between :param0 and :param1."],
    in: ["The :path does not exist in :params.", "It does not exist in :params."],

try {
    // foo
    bar: 4,
    baz: "d",
} catch (e) {
  if (e instanceof safen.InvalidValueError) {
      {path: "foo", reason: "required", params: [], message: "The foo is required."},
      {path: "bar", reason: "between", params: [1, 2], message: "The bar must be between 1 and 2."},
      {path: "baz", reason: "in", params: ["a", "b", "c"], message: "The baz does not exist in [\"a\",\"b\",\"c\"]."},

Support Validators

Type Validations

Validator Description
bool check if it is a boolean(alias to boolean).
boolean check if it is a boolean.
false check if it is a false.
float check if it is a float(alias to number).
int check if it is a integer(alias to integer).
integer check if it is a integer.
number check if it is a number.
null check if it is a null.
object check if it is a object.
string check if it is a string.
symbol check if it is a symbol.
true check if it is a true.

Other Validations

Validator Description Example
after({date = now}) check if string is a date and is after than specified date. after, after("2017-10-01"), after("2017-10-01 14:30:00")
alpha check if string contains only letters([a-zA-Z]). alpha
alphanum check if string contains only letters and numbers([a-zA-Z0-9]) alphanum
always_false return always false, for debugging. always_false
always_true return always true, for debugging. always_true
any return always true. any
ascii check if string contains only ascii characters. ascii
base64 check if string is Base64. base64
before({date = now}) check if string is a date that's before the specified date. before("2017-10-01"), before("2017-10-01 14:30:00")
between({min},{max}) check if value(string, number) is between {min} and {max}. between("aaa","zzz"), between(1,100)
creditcard check if string is valid Credit Card number. cf. 0000-0000-0000-0000 creditcard
date check if string is valid Date string(RFC2822, ISO8601). cf. 2018-12-25, 12/25/2018, Dec 25, 2018 date
email check if string is valid E-mail string. email
finite check if number is not NaN, Infinity, -Infinity. finite
hexcolor check if string is valid Hex Color string. cf. #ffffff hexcolor
in({...params}) check if value(any) is in an array {params}. in(1,2,3), in("safari","edge","firefox","other browser")
ip({version = all}) check if string is valid UUID.version is one of all(default), v4, and v6. ip, ip("v4"), ip("v6")
json check if string is valid JSON. json
jwt check if string is valid JWT. jwt
length({size}) check if value(string)'s length is {size}. length(16)
length_between({min},{max}) check if value(string)'s length is between {min} and {max}. length_between(4,20)
length_max({max}) check if value(string)'s length is less than {max}. length_max(20)
length_min({min}) check if value(string)'s length is greater than {min}. length_min(4)
lowercase check if string is lowercase. lowercase
macaddress check if string is valid Mac Address. macaddress
max({max}) check if value(string, number) is less than {min}. max(5)
min({min}) check if value(string, number) is greater than {max}. min(3)
nan check if value(any) is NaN. nan
re check if value(any) match RegExp(alias to regexp). re(/.+/)
regex check if value(any) match RegExp(alias to regexp). regex(/.+/)
regexp check if value(any) match RegExp. regexp(/.+/)
port check if string is valid PORT(0-65535). port
uppercase check if string is uppercase. uppercase
url check if string is valid URL. url
uuid({version = all}) check if string is valid UUID.version is one of all(default), v3, v4, and v5. uuid, uuid("v3"), uuid("v4"), uuid("v5")


Using another library? Safen is lot easier to use.

  username: (string & email & length_between(12, 100)) | null,
  password?: string & length_between(8, 20),
  areas: {
    lat: number & between(-90, 90),
    lng: number & between(-180, 180),
  }[1:] | null,
  env: {
    referer: url,
    ip: ip("v4"),
    os: {
      name: in("window", "osx", "android", "iphone"),
      version: string,
    browser: {
      name: in("chrome", "firefox", "edge", "ie"),
      version: string,

Compare with JSON Schema

Show JSON Schema Source

  "definitions": {},
  "$schema": "http://json-schema.org/draft-07/schema#",
  "type": "object",
  "required": [
  "properties": {
    "username": {
      "type": ["string", "null"],
      "format": "email",
      "minLength": 12,
      "maxLength": 100
    "password": {
      "type": "string",
      "minLength": 8,
      "maxLength": 20
    "areas": {
      "type": ["array", "null"],
      "items": {
        "type": "object",
        "required": [
        "properties": {
          "lat": {
            "type": "integer",
            "minimum": -90,
            "maximum": 90
          "lng": {
            "type": "integer",
            "minimum": -180,
            "maximum": 180
    "env": {
      "type": "object",
      "required": [
      "properties": {
        "referer": {
          "type": "string",
          "format": "uri"
        "ip": {
          "type": "string",
          "format": "ipv4"
        "os": {
          "type": "object",
          "required": [
          "properties": {
            "name": {
              "type": "string",
              "enum": ["window", "osx", "android", "iphone"],
            "version": {
              "type": "string",
              "pattern": "^(.*)$"
        "browser": {
          "type": "object",
          "required": [
          "properties": {
            "name": {
              "type": "string",
              "enum": ["chrome", "firefox", "edge", "ie"],
            "version": {
              "type": "string",
              "pattern": "^(.*)$"

Compare with JOI

JOI is the most popular object schema validation library.

Show JOI Source

  username: Joi.string().required().allow(null).email().min(12).max(100),
  password: Joi.string().min(8).max(20),
  areas: Joi.array().required().allow(null).min(1).items(Joi.object().keys({
    lat: Joi.number().required().min(-90).max(90),
    lng: Joi.number().required().min(-180).max(180),
  env: Joi.object().required().keys({
    referer: Joi.string().uri().required(),
    ip: Joi.string().required().ip({version: ["ipv4"]}),
    os: Joi.object().required().keys({
      name: Joi.any().required().only("window", "osx", "android", "iphone"),
      version: Joi.string().required(),
    browser: Joi.object().required().keys({
      name: Joi.any().required().only("chrome", "firefox", "edge", "ie"),
      version: Joi.string().required(),

How Safen works

Safen parses the grammar and internally generates an AST(Abstract Syntax Tree) similar to the Json Schema.

  username: (string & email) | null,
  areas: {
    lat?: number & between(-90, 90),
    lng?: number & between(-180, 180),

The generated AST is as follows:

Show AST

  "type": "object",
  "properties": {
    "username": {
      "optional": false,
      "value": {
        "type": "or",
        "params": [
            "type": "and",
            "params": [
                "type": "scalar",
                "name": "string",
                "params": []
                "type": "scalar",
                "name": "email",
                "params": []
            "type": "scalar",
            "name": "null",
            "params": []
    "areas": {
      "optional": false,
      "value": {
        "type": "array",
        "min": 1,
        "max": 1,
        "value": {
          "type": "object",
          "properties": {
            "lat": {
              "optional": true,
              "value": {
                "type": "and",
                "params": [
                    "type": "scalar",
                    "name": "number",
                    "params": []
                    "type": "scalar",
                    "name": "between",
                    "params": [
            "lng": {
              "optional": true,
              "value": {
                "type": "and",
                "params": [
                    "type": "scalar",
                    "name": "number",
                    "params": []
                    "type": "scalar",
                    "name": "between",
                    "params": [

Safen generates native validate and assert functions based on AST, which make safen lightning fast.

Native validate function sample:

Show generated validate function.

function(v) {
  return (function() {
    if (typeof v !== "object" || v === null) {
      return false
    if (typeof v.username === "undefined") {
      return false
    if (!((((typeof(v.username) === "string") && /^(([^<>()[\]\\.,;:\s@\"]+(\.[^<>()[\]\\.,;:\s@\"]+)*)|(\".+\"))@((\[[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}\])|(([a-zA-Z\-0-9]+\.)+[a-zA-Z]{2,}))$/.test(v.username)) || v.username === null))) {
      return false
    if (typeof v.areas === "undefined") {
      return false
    if (!((function() {
        if (!Array.isArray(v.areas) || v.areas.length < 1 || v.areas.length > 1) {
          return false
        for (var t0 = 0; t0 < v.areas.length; t0++) {
          if (!((function() {
              if (typeof v.areas[t0] !== "object" || v.areas[t0] === null) {
                return false
              if (typeof v.areas[t0].lat !== "undefined") {
                if (!(((typeof(v.areas[t0].lat) === "number") && (v.areas[t0].lat >= -90 && v.areas[t0].lat <= 90)))) {
                  return false
              if (typeof v.areas[t0].lng !== "undefined") {
                if (!(((typeof(v.areas[t0].lng) === "number") && (v.areas[t0].lng >= -180 && v.areas[t0].lng <= 180)))) {
                  return false
              return true
            })())) {
            return false
        return true
      })())) {
      return false
    return true

Native assert function sample:

Show generated assert function.

function (v) {
  var path = [];
  var errors = (function() {
    var t0 = [];
    if (typeof v !== "object" || v === null) {
      return [{
        message: message(path.join("").replace(/^\./, ""), "object", []),
        path: path.join("").replace(/^\./, ""),
        reason: "object",
        params: []
    if (typeof v.username !== "undefined") {
      t0 = t0.concat((function() {
        var t1 = [],
          t2 = (function() {
            var t3 = (function() {
              if (!((typeof(v.username) === "string"))) {
                return [{
                  message: message(path.join("").replace(/^\./, ""), "string", []),
                  path: path.join("").replace(/^\./, ""),
                  reason: "string",
                  params: []
              return []
            if (t3.length) {
              return t3
            t3 = (function() {
              if (!(/^(([^<>()[\]\\.,;:\s@\"]+(\.[^<>()[\]\\.,;:\s@\"]+)*)|(\".+\"))@((\[[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}\])|(([a-zA-Z\-0-9]+\.)+[a-zA-Z]{2,}))$/.test(v.username))) {
                return [{
                  message: message(path.join("").replace(/^\./, ""), "email", []),
                  path: path.join("").replace(/^\./, ""),
                  reason: "email",
                  params: []
              return []
            if (t3.length) {
              return t3
            return []
        if (t2.length === 0) {
          return []
        t1 = t1.concat(t2);
        t2 = (function() {
          if (!(v.username === null)) {
            return [{
              message: message(path.join("").replace(/^\./, ""), "null", []),
              path: path.join("").replace(/^\./, ""),
              reason: "null",
              params: []
          return []
        if (t2.length === 0) {
          return []
        t1 = t1.concat(t2);
        return t1
    } else {
        message: message(path.join("").replace(/^\./, ""), "required", []),
        path: path.join("").replace(/^\./, ""),
        reason: "required",
        params: []
    if (typeof v.areas !== "undefined") {
      t0 = t0.concat((function() {
        if (!Array.isArray(v.areas)) {
          return [{
            message: message(path.join("").replace(/^\./, ""), "array", []),
            path: path.join("").replace(/^\./, ""),
            reason: "array",
            params: []
        if (v.areas.length !== 1) {
          return [{
            message: message(path.join("").replace(/^\./, ""), "array_length", [1]),
            path: path.join("").replace(/^\./, ""),
            reason: "array_length",
            params: [1]
        var t4 = [];
        for (var t5 = 0; t5 < v.areas.length; t5++) {
          path.push("[" + t5 + "]");
          t4 = t4.concat((function() {
            var t6 = [];
            if (typeof v.areas[t5] !== "object" || v.areas[t5] === null) {
              return [{
                message: message(path.join("").replace(/^\./, ""), "object", []),
                path: path.join("").replace(/^\./, ""),
                reason: "object",
                params: []
            if (typeof v.areas[t5].lat !== "undefined") {
              t6 = t6.concat((function() {
                var t7 = (function() {
                  if (!((typeof(v.areas[t5].lat) === "number"))) {
                    return [{
                      message: message(path.join("").replace(/^\./, ""), "number", []),
                      path: path.join("").replace(/^\./, ""),
                      reason: "number",
                      params: []
                  return []
                if (t7.length) {
                  return t7
                t7 = (function() {
                  if (!((v.areas[t5].lat >= -90 && v.areas[t5].lat <= 90))) {
                    return [{
                      message: message(path.join("").replace(/^\./, ""), "between", [-90, 90]),
                      path: path.join("").replace(/^\./, ""),
                      reason: "between",
                      params: [-90, 90]
                  return []
                if (t7.length) {
                  return t7
                return []
            if (typeof v.areas[t5].lng !== "undefined") {
              t6 = t6.concat((function() {
                var t8 = (function() {
                  if (!((typeof(v.areas[t5].lng) === "number"))) {
                    return [{
                      message: message(path.join("").replace(/^\./, ""), "number", []),
                      path: path.join("").replace(/^\./, ""),
                      reason: "number",
                      params: []
                  return []
                if (t8.length) {
                  return t8
                t8 = (function() {
                  if (!((v.areas[t5].lng >= -180 && v.areas[t5].lng <= 180))) {
                    return [{
                      message: message(path.join("").replace(/^\./, ""), "between", [-180, 180]),
                      path: path.join("").replace(/^\./, ""),
                      reason: "between",
                      params: [-180, 180]
                  return []
                if (t8.length) {
                  return t8
                return []
            return t6
        return t4
    } else {
        message: message(path.join("").replace(/^\./, ""), "required", []),
        path: path.join("").replace(/^\./, ""),
        reason: "required",
        params: []
    return t0
  if (errors.length) throw new InvalidValueError(errors)


  • [with express](./examples/with-express)
  • [with axios](./examples/with-axios)



*Note that all licence references and agreements mentioned in the Safen README section above are relevant to that project's source code only.