Superstruct v0.11.0 Release Notes

Release Date: 2020-11-20 // over 3 years ago
  • NEW

    ๐Ÿ†• New assign, pick, and omit object utilities. These utilities make composing object structs together possible, which should make re-using structs in your codebase easier.

    // Combine two structs with `assign`:
    const a = object({ id: number() })
    const b = object({ name: string() })
    const c = assign([a, b])
    // Pick out specific properties with `pick`:
    const a2 = pick(c, ['id'])
    // Omit specific properties with `omit`:
    const a3 = omit(c, ['name'])

    ๐Ÿ†• New unknown struct. This is the same as the existing any struct, but it will ensure that in TypeScript the value is of the more restrictive unknown type so it encourages better type safety.

    const Shape = type({
      id: number(),
      name: string(),
      other: unknown(),

    ๐Ÿ†• New integer, regexp, and func structs. These are just simple additions for common use cases of ensuring a value is an integer, a regular expression object (not a string!), or a function.

    const Shape = type({
      id: integer(),
      matches: regexp(),
      send: func(),

    ๐Ÿ†• New max/min refinements. For refining number (or integer) or date structs to ensure they are greater than or less than a specific threshold. The third argument can indicate whether to make the threshold exclusive (instead of the default inclusive).

    const Index = min(number(), 0)
    const PastOrPresent = max(date(), new Date())
    const Past = max(date(), new Date(), { exclusive: true })

    Even more information on errors. Errors now expose the error.refinement property when the failure originated in a refinement validation. And they also now have an error.key property which is the key for the failure in the case of complex values like arrays/objects. (Previously the key was retrievable by checking error.path, but this will make the 90% case easier.)


    The coerce helper has been renamed to create. This will hopefully make it more clear that it's fully coercing and validating a value against a struct, throwing errors if the value was invalid. This has caused confusion for people who though it would just coerce the value and return the unvalidated-but-coerced version.

    // Previously
    const user = coerce(data, User)
    // Now
    const user = create(data, User)

    The struct, refinement and coercion factories have been renamed. This renaming is purely for keeping things slightly cleaner and easier to understand. The new names are define, refine, and coerce. Separating them slightly from the noun-based names used for the types themselves.

    // Previously
    const Email = struct('email', isEmail)
    const Positive = refinement('positive', number(), n => n > 0)
    const Trimmed = coercion(string(), s => s.trim()
    // Now
    const Email = define('email', isEmail)
    const Positive = refine(number(), 'positive', n => n > 0)
    const Trimmed = coerce(string(), s => s.trim())

    Note that the order of refine arguments has changed to be slightly more natural, and encourage scoped refinement names.

    The length refinement has been renamed to size. This is to match with the expansion of it's abilities from purely strings and arrays to also now include numbers, maps, and sets. In addition you can also omit the max argument to specify an exact size:

    // Previously
    const Name = length(string(), 1, 100)
    const MyArray = length(array(string()), 3, 3)
    // Now
    const Name = size(string(), 1, 100)
    const MyArray = size(array(string()), 3)
    const Id = size(integer(), 1, Infinity)
    const MySet = size(set(), 1, 9)

    The StructType inferring helper has been renamed to Infer. This just makes it slightly easier to read what's going on when you're inferring a type.

    // Previously
    type User = StructType<typeof User>
    // Now
    type User = Infer<typeof User>

    The error.type property has been standardized. Previously it was a human-readable description that sort of incorporated the schema. Now it is simple the plain lowercase name of the struct in question, making it something you can use programmatically when formatting errors.

    // Previously
    // Now