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gps johnny-five
242 13,222
13 457
60 1,760
42 days 59 days
about 5 years ago almost 4 years ago
about 1 year ago 7 months ago
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0 0
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MIT License GNU General Public License v3.0 or later
Hardware Hardware, Parallel, Rpi, Raspberry Pi, Raspberrypi, I2c, Serialport, MCP9808, Shift Register 8-Bit SN74HC595, Shift Register, ALSPT19, ALS-PT19, TSL2561, HT16K33, BLINKM, MJKDZ, LCM1602, LCD1602, LCD2004, PCF8574AT, PCF8574T, HD44780, JHD1313M1, QTOUCH, MPR121, AT42QT1070, VKEY, MPR121QR2, GY521, GY-521, SI7020, PCF8574A, MUXSHIELD2, PCF8591, PCA9685, PCF8574, MCP23008, MCP23017, OA41SK, GP2Y0A41SK0F, GP2Y0A02YK0F, GP2D120XJ00F, GP2Y0A21YK, HMC6352, ISL29125, NXT, EV3, DEFAULT, MPL115A2, TINKERKIT, MPU-6050, ESPLORA, MMA7660, MMA7361, ANALOG, TMP36, DS18B20, Temperature, Hitec HS-755HB, Hitec HS-35HD, Hitec HS-625MG, Hitec HS-85MG, Hitec HS-646WP, Hitec HS-422, Hitec HS-425BB, Hitec HS-805BB, High Torque, Metal Gear, Continuous Rotation, Servo, SparkFun Essential Sensor Kit, SparkFun Sensor Kit, HRLV-MaxSonar-EZ0, LV-MaxSonar-EZ3, LV-MaxSonar-EZ0, Ultrasonic Range Finder, LIDAR-Lite V2, Infrared Proximity Sensor, Hobby Motor, PIR Motion Sensor, Infrared Sensor, RGB LED, Diffused LED, LED, Thumb Joystick, Joystick, HTU21D, PCF8575, Speed Controller, HMC5883L, Ardumoto, Ludus Protoshield Wireless, Ludus Protoshield, RedBoard, Edison PWM Block, Edison I2C Block, Edison GPIO Block, Edison Arduino Block, BMP180, Weather Shield Photon, Weather Shield Arduino, MPL3115A2, MMA8462Q, ADXL335, ADXL345, MPU6050, Pcduino, Tessel 2, Edison, Intel Edison, Galileo-io, Galileo, Intel Galileo, Raspi-io, Photon, Particle, Spark-io, Spark Core, Spark, Robot, Firmata, Serial, Usb, Arduino

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