v2.2.0 Release Notes

  • ✨ Enhancements

    • Records now can be set with a version -1, which ignores version conflicts by [datasage](datasage)
    • ✂ Delete events are now propagated in the correct order by [datasage](datasage)
    • You can now request the HEAD of a record to retrieve just its version number by [datasage](datasage)
    • 0️⃣ Providers for listeners are now by default selected randomly instead of in order of subscription
    • ⚡️ Ensure record updates are not scalar values before trying to save them in cache by [datasage](datasage)
    • 🏗 Long lived RPC requests now use dynamic lookups for providers rather than building the Set upfront by [ronag]{ronag}
    • 🌲 Huge optimization to subscription registry, where the time for registering a subscriber has been reduced from n2 to O(n log n)


    • Deleting grunt since everything is script based