gulp v4.0.0 Release Notes

Release Date: 2018-01-01 // over 6 years ago
  • Task system changes

    • replaced 3.x task system (orchestrator) with new task system (bach)
      • removed gulp.reset
      • removed 3 argument syntax for gulp.task
      • gulp.task should only be used when you will call the task with the CLI
      • added gulp.series and gulp.parallel methods for composing tasks. Everything must use these now.
      • added single argument syntax for gulp.task which allows a named function to be used as the name of the task and task function.
      • added gulp.tree method for retrieving the task tree. Pass { deep: true } for an archy compatible node list.
      • added gulp.registry for setting custom registries.

    CLI changes

    • split CLI out into a module if you want to save bandwidth/disk space. you can install the gulp CLI using either npm install gulp -g or npm install gulp-cli -g, where gulp-cli is the smaller one (no module code included)
    • ➕ add --tasks-json flag to CLI to dump the whole tree out for other tools to consume
    • ➕ added --verify flag to check the dependencies in package.json against the plugin blacklist.

    vinyl/vinyl-fs changes

    • ➕ added gulp.symlink which functions exactly like gulp.dest, but symlinks instead.
    • ➕ added dirMode param to gulp.dest and gulp.symlink which allows better control over the mode of the destination folder that is created.
    • globs passed to gulp.src will be evaluated in order, which means this is possible gulp.src(['*.js', '!b*.js', 'bad.js']) (exclude every JS file that starts with a b except bad.js)
    • 🐎 performance for gulp.src has improved massively
      • gulp.src(['**/*', '!b.js']) will no longer eat CPU since negations happen during walking now
    • ➕ added since option to gulp.src which lets you only match files that have been modified since a certain date (for incremental builds)
    • 🛠 fixed gulp.src not following symlinks
    • ➕ added overwrite option to gulp.dest which allows you to enable or disable overwriting of existing files