Meteor v1.6.1 Release Notes

Release Date: 2018-01-19 // over 6 years ago
  • 💥 Breaking changes

    • 🔧 Meteor's Node Mongo driver is now configured with the ignoreUndefined connection option set to true, to make sure fields with undefined values are not first converted to null, when inserted/updated. undefined values are now removed from all Mongo queries and insert/update documents.

    This is a potentially breaking change if you are upgrading an existing app from an earlier version of Meteor.

    For example:

      // return data pertaining to the current user
          userId: currentUser._id // undefined

    Assuming there are no documents in the privateUserData collection with userId: null, in Meteor versions prior to 1.6.1 this query will return zero documents. From Meteor 1.6.1 onwards, this query will now return every document in the collection. It is highly recommend you review all your existing queries to ensure that any potential usage of undefined in query objects won't lead to problems.

    Migration Steps


    🔄 Changes

    • ⚡️ Node has been updated to version 8.9.4.

    • 📦 The meteor-babel npm package (along with its Babel-related dependencies) has been updated to version 7.0.0-beta.38, a major update from Babel 6. Thanks to the strong abstraction of the meteor-babel package, the most noticeable consequence of the Babel 7 upgrade is that the babel-runtime npm package has been replaced by @babel/runtime, which can be installed by running

      meteor npm install @babel/runtime

      in your application directory. There's a good chance that the old babel-runtime package can be removed from your package.json dependencies, though there's no harm in leaving it there. Please see this blog post for general information about updating to Babel 7 (note especially any changes to plugins you've been using in any .babelrc files). PR #9440

    • Because [email protected] is a major version bump for a core package, any package that explicitly depends on babel-compiler with api.use or api.imply will need to be updated and republished in order to remain compatible with Meteor 1.6.1. One notable example is the practicalmeteor:mocha package. If you have been using this test-driver package, we strongly recommend switching to meteortesting:mocha instead. If you are the author of a package that depends on babel-compiler, we recommend publishing your updated version using a new major or minor version, so that you can continue releasing patch updates compatible with older versions of Meteor, if necessary.

    • 🔧 Meteor's Node Mongo driver is now configured with the ignoreUndefined connection option set to true, to make sure fields with undefined values are not first converted to null, when inserted/updated. undefined values are now removed from all Mongo queries and insert/update documents. Issue #6051 PR #9444

    • 📦 The server-render package now supports passing a Stream object to ServerSink methods that previously expected a string, which enables streaming server-side rendering with React 16:

      import React from "react";
      import { renderToNodeStream } from "react-dom/server";
      import { onPageLoad } from "meteor/server-render";
      import App from "/imports/Server.js";

    onPageLoad(sink => { sink.renderIntoElementById("app", renderToNodeStream( )); });

      [PR #9343](
    * 📦 The [`cordova-lib`]( package has
      been updated to version 7.1.0,
      [`cordova-android`]( has been
      updated to version 6.4.0 (plus one additional
      and [`cordova-ios`]( has been
      updated to version 4.5.4. The cordova plugins `cordova-plugin-console`,
      `cordova-plugin-device-motion`, and `cordova-plugin-device-orientation`
      have been [deprecated](
      and will likely be removed in a future Meteor release.
      [Feature Request #196](
      [PR #9213](
      [Issue #9447](
      [PR #9448](
    * 📇 The previously-served `/manifest.json` application metadata file is now
      served from `/__browser/manifest.json` for web browsers, to avoid
      confusion with other kinds of `manifest.json` files. Cordova clients
      will continue to load the manifest file from `/__cordova/manifest.json`,
      as before. [Issue #6674](
      [PR #9424](
    * The bundled version of MongoDB used by `meteor run` in development
      on 64-bit architectures has been updated to 3.4.10. 32-bit architectures
      will continue to use MongoDB 3.2.x versions since MongoDB is no longer
      producing 32-bit versions of MongoDB for newer release tracks.
      [PR #9396](
    * ⚡️ Meteor's internal `minifier-css` package has been updated to use `postcss`
      for CSS parsing and minifying, instead of the abandoned `css-parse` and
      `css-stringify` packages. Changes made to the `CssTools` API exposed by the
      `minifier-css` package are mostly backwards compatible (the
      `standard-minifier-css` package that uses it didn't have to change for
      example), but now that we're using `postcss` the AST accepted and returned
      from certain functions is different. This could impact developers who are
      tying into Meteor's internal `minifier-css` package directly. The AST based
      function changes are:
      * `CssTools.parseCss` now returns a PostCSS
        [`Root`]( object.
      * `CssTools.stringifyCss` expects a PostCSS `Root` object as its first
      * `CssTools.mergeCssAsts` expects an array of PostCSS `Root` objects as its
        first parameter.
      * `CssTools.rewriteCssUrls` expects a PostCSS `Root` object as its first
      [PR #9263](
    * The `_` variable will once again remain bound to `underscore` (if
      installed) in `meteor shell`, fixing a regression introduced by Node 8.
      [PR #9406](
    * Dynamically `import()`ed modules will now be fetched from the
      application server using an HTTP POST request, rather than a WebSocket
      message. This strategy has all the benefits of the previous strategy,
      except that it does not require establishing a WebSocket connection
      before fetching dynamic modules, in exchange for slightly higher latency
      per request. [PR #9384](
    * To reduce the total number of HTTP requests for dynamic modules, rapid
      sequences of `import()` calls within the same tick of the event loop
      will now be automatically batched into a single HTTP request. In other
      words, the following code will result in only one HTTP request:
      const [
      ] = await Promise.all([
    • Thanks to a feature request and pull request from @CaptainN, all available dynamic modules will be automatically prefetched after page load and permanently cached in IndexedDB when the appcache package is in use, ensuring that dynamic import() will work for offline apps. Although the HTML5 Application Cache was deliberately not used for this prefetching, the new behavior matches the spirit/intention of the appcache package. Feature Request #236 PR #9482 PR #9434

    • The es5-shim library is no longer included in the initial JavaScript bundle, but is instead injected using a <script> tag in older browsers that may be missing full support for ECMAScript 5. For the vast majority of modern browsers that do not need es5-shim, this change will reduce the bundle size by about 10KB (minified, pre-gzip). For testing purposes, the <script> tag injection can be triggered in any browser by appending ?force_es5_shim=1 to the application URL. PR #9360

    • ✅ The Tinytest.addAsync API now accepts test functions that return Promise objects, making the onComplete callback unnecessary:

      Tinytest.addAsync("some async stuff", async function (test) {
      test.equal(shouldReturnFoo(), "foo");
      const bar = await shouldReturnBarAsync();
      test.equal(bar, "bar");

      PR #9409

    • Line number comments are no longer added to bundled JavaScript files on the client or the server. Several years ago, before all major browsers supported source maps, we felt it was important to provide line number information in generated files using end-of-line comments like

      some.code(1234); // 123
      more.code(5, 6); // 124

      Adding all these comments was always slower than leaving the code unmodified, but recently the comments have begun interacting badly with certain newer ECMAScript syntax, such as multi-line template strings. Since source maps are well supported in most browsers that developers are likely to be using for development, and the line number comments are now causing substantive problems beyond the performance cost, we concluded it was time to stop using them. PR #9323 Issue #9160

    • 💻 Since Meteor 1.3, Meteor has supported string-valued "browser" fields in package.json files, to enable alternate entry points for packages in client JavaScript bundles. In Meteor 1.6.1, we are expanding support to include object-valued "browser" fields, according to this unofficial and woefully incomplete (but widely-implemented) "spec document." We are only supporting the "relative style" of browser replacements, however, and not the "package style" (as detailed in this comment), because supporting the package style would have imposed an unacceptable runtime cost on all imports (not just those overridden by a "browser" field). PR #9311 Issue #6890

    • 📦 The Boilerplate#toHTML method from the boilerplate-generator package has been deprecated in favor of toHTMLAsync (which returns a Promise that resolves to a string of HTML) or toHTMLStream (which returns a Stream of HTML). Although direct usage of toHTML is unlikely, please update any code that calls this method if you see deprecation warnings in development. Issue #9521.

    • ⬆️ The npm package has been upgraded to version 5.6.0, and our fork of its pacote dependency has been rebased against version 7.0.2.

    • ⚡️ The reify npm package has been updated to version 0.13.7.

    • ⚡️ The minifier-js package has been updated to use uglify-es 3.2.2.

    • 📦 The request npm package used by both the http package and the meteor command-line tool has been upgraded to version 2.83.0.

    • ⚡️ The kexec npm package has been updated to version 3.0.0.

    • ⚡️ The moment npm package has been updated to version 2.20.1.

    • ⚡️ The rimraf npm package has been updated to version 2.6.2.

    • ⚡️ The glob npm package has been updated to version 7.1.2.

    • ⚡️ The ignore npm package has been updated to version 3.3.7.

    • ⚡️ The escope npm package has been updated to version 3.6.0.

    • ⚡️ The split2 npm package has been updated to version 2.2.0.

    • ⚡️ The multipipe npm package has been updated to version 2.0.1.

    • ⚡️ The pathwatcher npm package has been updated to version 7.1.1.

    • ⚡️ The lru-cache npm package has been updated to version 4.1.1.

    • 🚚 The deprecated Meteor.http object has been removed. If your application is still using Meteor.http, you should now use HTTP instead:

      import { HTTP } from "meteor/http";"GET", url, ...);
    • 🚚 The deprecated Meteor.uuid function has been removed. If your application is still using Meteor.uuid, you should run

      meteor npm install uuid

      to install the widely used uuid package from npm. Example usage:

      import uuid from "uuid";
    • 🌲 The log-suppressing flags on errors in ddp-client and ddp-server have been changed from expected to _expectedByTest in order to avoid inadvertently silencing errors in production. Issue #6912 PR #9515

    • ⚡️ Provide basic support for iPhone X status bar and launch screens, which includes updates to [email protected] and [email protected]. Issue #9041 PR #9375

    • 🛠 Fixed an issue preventing the installation of scoped Cordova packages. For example,

      meteor add cordova:@somescope/[email protected]

      will now work properly. Issue #7336 PR #9334

    • ⚡️ iOS icons and launch screens have been updated to support iOS 11 Issue #9196 PR #9198

    • Enables passing false to cursor.count() on the client to prevent skip and limit from having an effect on the result. Issue #1201 PR #9205

    • An onExternalLogin hook has been added to the accounts system, to allow the customization of OAuth user profile updates. PR #9042

    • 👍 Accounts.config now supports a bcryptRounds option that overrides the default 10 rounds currently used to secure passwords. PR #9044

    • Developers running Meteor from an interactive shell within Emacs should notice a substantial performance improvement thanks to automatic disabling of the progress spinner, which otherwise reacts slowly. PR #9341

    • Npm.depends can now specify any http or https URL. Issue #9236 PR #9237

    • Byte order marks included in --settings files will no longer crash the Meteor Tool. Issue #5180 PR #9459

    • 💅 The accounts-ui-unstyled package has been updated to use <form /> and <button /> tags with its login/signup form, instead of <div />'s. This change helps browser's notice login/signup requests, allowing them to trigger their "remember your login/password" functionality.

    Note: If your application is styling the login/signup form using a CSS path that includes the replaced div elements (e.g. div.login-form { ... or div.login-button { ...), your styles will break. You can either update your CSS to use form. / button. or adjust your CSS specificity by styling on class / id attributes only.

    Issue #1746 PR #9442

    • 📦 The stylus package has been deprecated and will no longer be supported/maintained. PR #9445

    • 👌 Support for the meteor admin get-machine command has been removed, and the build farm has been discontinued. Ever since Meteor 1.4, packages with binary dependencies have been automatically (re)compiled when they are installed in an application, assuming the target machine has a basic compiler toolchain. To see the requirements for this compilation step, consult the platform requirements for node-gyp.

    • Client side Accounts.onLogin callbacks now receive a login details object, with the attempted login type (e.g. { type: password } after a successful password based login, { type: resume } after a DDP reconnect, etc.). Issue #5127 PR #9512