Bunyan v0.5.1 Release Notes

    • 🌲 [issue #2] Add guard on JSON.stringifying of log records before emission. This will prevent log.info et al throwing on record fields that cannot be represented as JSON. An error will be printed on stderr and a clipped log record emitted with a 'bunyanMsg' key including error details. E.g.:

      bunyan: ERROR: could not stringify log record from /Users/trentm/tm/node-bunyan/examples/unstringifyable.js:12: TypeError: Converting circular structure to JSON
        "name": "foo",
        "hostname": "banana.local",
        "bunyanMsg": "bunyan: ERROR: could not stringify log record from /Users/trentm/tm/node-bunyan/examples/unstringifyable.js:12: TypeError: Converting circular structure to JSON",

    Some timing shows this does effect log speed:

        $ node tools/timeguard.js     # before
        Time try/catch-guard on JSON.stringify:
         - log.info:  0.07365ms per iteration
        $ node tools/timeguard.js     # after
        Time try/catch-guard on JSON.stringify:
         - log.info:  0.07368ms per iteration