JSCS v1.4.1 Release Notes

    • Rule disallowPaddingNewlinesInBlocks: check for comments in the whitespace. Fixes #347 (@mikesherov).
    • Introduce extensions section in README (@zxqfox)
    • Fixes for validateIndentation rule: properly validate finally clauses. Fixes #311 (@mikesherov).
    • Fixes for validateIndentation rule: tests for holes in array and more complex temporary fix for it (@zxqfox).
    • Fixes for validateIndentation rule: allow for extra indents when first variable in a declaration is multi-line (@mikesherov).
    • Fixes for validateIndentation rule: prevent false positive when array elements are on same line as array opener, but array is not single line. Fixes #353 (@mikesherov)
    • Restructuration of lib/test files (@markelog)