Playwright v0.10.0 Release Notes

Release Date: 2020-02-01 // about 4 years ago
  • Current Status

    • Chromium 81.0.4044.0. Passes 99% (837/845) tests
    • Webkit 13.0.4. Passes 98% (746/758) tests
    • Firefox 73.0b3. Passes 94% (726/776) tests

    Detailed status can be found at IsPlayWrightReady?

    🐛 Bug Fixes

    0️⃣ #560 - Default profile for does not save data into specified folder
    🏗 #565 - WebKit build flags
    #583 - is missing
    #606 - Missing a few device defs for landscape variants
    #627 - Types exported from playwright-core, but not playwright
    💻 #658 - Strip the browser binaries
    📄 #661 - Typo in docs: dedault
    #668 - request.continue() override with post data
    💻 #669 - Error 404
    🏗 #696 - [email protected] types will not build
    #705 - Firefox's WebSocket has no unguessable token suffix
    #764 - File upload doesn't work
    #783 - [Feature] Expose

    Raw Notes

    25f2a32 - feat: add Page.opener() to the API (#790)
    1489fbd - fix: do not recommend yarn (#794)
    b8199c0 - chore(webkit): use async/await to make eval more readable (#789)
    0f305e0 - test(cookies): Rename clearCookies describe (#791)
    💻 84c93d2 - browser(webkit): plumb stderr from the web process to the main process (#792)
    ef1d2fb - Revert "fix: move offline/cache/interception switches to BrowserContext (#748)" (#793)
    🏗 9438136 - browser(webkit): enable some build features on win (#788)
    💻 4904459 - browser(webkit): introduce Browser.setLanguage (#781)
    c57fd22 - fix(webkit): unflake Page.setContent (#786)
    2bf88fd - test: start adding capability smoke tests (#784)
    5cb19c6 - test: extract common headful tests (#785)
    ⚡️ 9a00e1d - docs: update features
    ⚡️ d054490 - docs: update readme
    ⚡️ 1f8e6e6 - doc: update readme
    ⚡️ 1c7db46 - doc: update readme
    ⚡️ 8a40fd0 - docs: update the readme intro sentence
    📄 76c22b7 - docs: bump Chromium version (#778)
    💻 adc5e3b - browser(webkit): bump WebKit to r1128 to check binary stripping
    🐧 b77b31c - devops: strip linux binaries
    🏗 24c5df6 - docs: add webkit build flags table (#777)
    e33e403 - chore: nits to issues template
    🚚 293fc6f - chore: remove bad issue templates
    ⚡️ 902580b - chore: update issues template
    b289bb7 - fix(filechooser): intercept file choosers lazily (#776)
    985faeb - fix: avoid unhandled promise rejection in WKSession.send (#770)
    fd3a930 - fix(webkit): roll webkit to 1127 (#775)
    💻 735c5e6 - browser(webkit): fix compilation on Mac (#774)
    e131fe0 - fix(chromium): install libgbm (#773)
    83b5d89 - fix(firefox): roll firefox to 1021 (#769)
    💻 adc91c9 - chore(docs): fix broken link for downloaded browsers (#772)
    ca49d50 - test: disable firefox popup tests that rely on waitForLoadState (#768)
    1344596 - feat(chromium): roll to r737027 (#771)
    💻 6c58f93 - browser(webkit): simplify isolated world handling (#766)
    2b231c9 - fix(test): unflake waitForSelector when browser closes test (#767)
    💻 1ad6134 - browser(webkit): ensure user worlds created when attaching to new pages (#765)
    f4640d1 - Revert "tests(accessibility): Remove unused browser goldens (#758)" (#763)
    🚚 d590ab9 - tests(accessibility): Remove unused browser goldens (#758)
    👷 1b012e5 - fix: do actually catch worker initialization exceptions (#762)
    603b9f5 - fix: make contentFrame cross-frame handles test pass (#761)
    eb56804 - test: unflake owner frame test (#760)
    📚 c9544b9 - docs: add documentation for selector engines (#752)
    f44d660 - feat(webkit): use consistent user agent for headful and headless (#756)
    ce72198 - feat(webkit): roll webkit to 1124 (#736)
    ⚡️ 44829d6 - browser(firefox): wait for pending accessibility updates (#755)
    ⚡️ bcc920c - browser(webkit): follow-up to update inspector file locations (#754)
    0e6b44d - feat(selectors): selectors.register accepts function (#753)
    💻 87abfe0 - browser(webkit): roll to WebKit ToT 1/29/2020 (#737)
    💻 afc0222 - browser(webkit): do not crash when opening inspector on mac (#751)
    🚚 6faf74b - fix: move offline/cache/interception switches to BrowserContext (#748)
    9a126da - feat: lower the engine requirement to node 10.15.0 (#750)
    👷 7ea4110 - browser(webkit): expose worker's owner frame (#694)
    🏗 e64fd17 - devops: fix firefox building script on Mac 10.15.1
    fc93b88 - fix: typo (#740)
    a65bf41 - test(browsercontext): cookies() is a BrowserContext function (#741)
    492304b - feat(firefox): roll firefox to r1020 (#735)
    b68a88a - test: enable passing modifiers test (#733)
    💻 ce7c8d7 - feat: introduce (#732)
    🏁 184b25f - chore: windows bots via github actions (#678)
    4a3bd60 - fix(test): fix race in confusing confuse with previous navigation test (#730)
    89a9311 - chore(webkit): bump webkit revision to 1120 (#727)
    5e5d193 - test: don't ignore random arguments (#726)
    4c25180 - chore(webkit): do not call setPauseOnStart for each target (#725)
    💻 4b0ce1d - browser(webkit-wpe): do not preload about:blank into popups (#724)
    09e97af - feat(wk,ff): amend method & postData upon continue (#703)
    📄 c35c65b - docs( Rename page to context in newContext (#723)
    📄 75f7ff3 - docs( Fix USKeyboardLayout link (#719)
    💻 7af1d12 - browser(firefox): use unguessable web socket address (#722)
    📊 460527d - fix(webkit): do not poll readyState if target is paused before first navigation (#721)
    📄 9d34f28 - docs( Rename page to context in newContext (#718)
    62f4ed6 - feat(unit): add click test on animated target (#655)
    💻 c04ad14 - feat(launcher): gracefully close browser on sigint (#650)
    3248749 - fix(webkit): make frames detect their initial load state (#690)
    💻 19da86b - browser(firefox): amend method & postData upon continue (#716)
    38b5f76 - fix(test): wait for load state before checking opener of popup (#714)
    2bef4ae - feat(api): introduce selectors.register method (#701)
    9cd6157 - devops: add auto-rebase github action
    2ddc987 - fix(webkit): initialize popups on start (#693)
    a64fc0e - chore: fix missing device definitions (#708)
    🙋 9554ef4 - docs: make individual FAQ items linkable (#712)
    📄 90d84e8 - docs(api): fix cdp session creation example (#709)
    📦 ff30235 - chore: fix package typo in packages README (#707)
    📄 53cdbc5 - docs: clarify relationship to Puppeteer (#711)
    💻 45e88f7 - browser(webkit): amend method & postData upon continue (#702)
    023fa01 - fix: playwright-core types (#699)
    e276430 - doc: require webSocket:true for endpoint availability (#706)
    📄 79ea30c - docs: sort classes by use (#700)
    bd726ee - chore: bump version to v0.9.24-post
    3e40b4e - chore: mark version 0.9.24
    54f442e - fix: properly expose top-level devices (#698)
    💻 e9515f4 - browser(webkit): pause popups on start (#691)
    💻 89b5d2f - fix(setContent): manually reset lifecycyle for all browsers at the right moment (#679)
    💻 aa2ecde - browser(webkit): make popups functional in mac embedder (#689)
    ee9c2b0 - chore: bump version to v0.9.23-post
    03e2754 - chore: mark version 0.9.23
    d7beaa7 - chore: bump version to 0.9.22-post (#684)
    0a7005e - chore: mark version v0.9.22 (#682)
    7128628 - feat(testrunner): ability to repeat test suites (#681)
    541fa95 - fix(ownerFrame): correctly handle adopted node usecase (#677)
    🚚 b3cd7a4 - browser(webkit): remove URL from TargetInfo (#676)
    📄 5a5016f - docs: inline superclass toc into classes for convenience (#663)
    🚚 c850430 - docs( remove browser downloads section (#675)
    🍎 6e4bf95 - fix(install): check macOS version to be 10.14 or higher (#671)
    e65cc77 - fix(pw_run): Allow running from paths with spaces (#674)
    🏗 1b8cfff - browser(webkit): fix GTK build (#673)
    💻 a779efe - browser(webkit): always dispose persistent context before exiting (#649)
    📄 9e0cf72 - docs( add missing docs (#664)
    99414b0 - doc(page): Improve Page description (#665)
    ✏️ 4b84973 - docs: typos
    7f46a09 - feat(webkit): roll to r1011 (#659)
    💻 d2bfe00 - browser(webkit): fix setOfflineMode (#656)
    🏗 f03b648 - chore: removed build labels from readme
    b4b7c5e - feat(webkit): enable user-data-dir tests for all platforms (#646)
    63d5a73 - fix(types): export playwright-core types from playwright (#628)
    5fdb3e2 - chore(webkit): roll to 1111 (#644)
    💻 2ae6466 - browser(webkit): support user-data-dir on win (#642)
    b64604c - chore: replace pptr with pw (#643)
    💻 be19ae5 - feat(browserApp): kill and onclose (#641)
    f1d1dfb - fix(webkit): rewrite global object retrieval errors (#640)
    🐧 fb9ec96 - browser(webkit): support --user-data-dir on Linux (#610)
    💻 a4f27c1 - browser(webkit): fix compilation on Mac 10.15 (#638)
    ⚡️ c453851 - api: introduce BrowserType with a single interface, update top-level api (#636)
    199d094 - fix: make launch options in ffPlaywright optional (#637)
    ⚡️ 834698c - docs(readme): update hero snippet to illustrate single API (#631)
    🏗 3abaced - chore(webkit): build wpe and gtk to different folders (#616)
    💻 f463d06 - browser(webkit): fix WPE compilation (#635)
    💻 12a4354 - browser(webkit): roll to r255078 (#633)
    🚚 2b44d75 - test: move most launcher tests to common (#621)
    👍 ff87701 - doc(troubleshooting): add note about lack of node 8 support (#623)
    03f37bc - doc(readme): add test status badges (#617)
    📄 69c5b2a - docs: clarify Puppeteer active status (#619)
    👷 060fbf7 - fix(workers): emit workerdestroyed event when clearing workers (#618)
    0️⃣ 056fbbd - fix(api): make pipe connection the default, expose webSocket launch option (#562)
    🚚 b4b81ba - chore: move downloads to Azure CDN (#615)
    🍎 6b8c40e - browser(webkit): respect --user-data-dir on MacOS (#579)
    📄 3b2993f - fix(docs): add back (#605)
    866c602 - fix(firefox): disable ICC color correction based on OS display (#614)
    c1cca19 - test: extract tests for webkit provisional page (#609)
    📄 4cf2180 - fix(docs): add docs for the websocket event (#612)
    👕 b8e2bba - chore: run lint on travis (#613)
    74e9859 - feat(firefox): roll to 1018 (#604)
    044ebd7 - fix: delete contexts from the map on navigation (#602)
    💻 ac2ba3c - fix(api): BrowserServer -> BrowserApp, resuse it between browsers (#599)
    🚚 b4209e9 - test: move user-data-dir tests into shared location (#603)
    🚚 a5019ea - fix(api): remove remoteAddress from api (#601)
    👍 23a668e - feat(firefox): support request interception (#571)
    68d51a3 - test: add a test for usage after disconnecting (#595)
    24f5f1f - fix(wk websocket): do not send messages to a closing websocket (#593)
    📄 5a67d78 - docs(readme): add support for Edge (#597)
    cc1891e - syntax alignment (#596)
    🚚 fa2f321 - fix(api): remove BrowserServer.connect (#574)
    🚚 a6042e4 - docs: removed semicolon from code doc as it not required (#580)
    7e8bce7 - chore: bump version to v0.9.21-post
    372a88f - chore: mark version v0.9.21
    3b26ae7 - fix: prepublishOnly ran in the wrong order
    ef2286c - chore: mark version v0.9.20 (#578)
    b1de6ce - fix: clean lib folder before publishing (#577)
    💻 7171590 - browser(firefox): wait for startup before closing the browser (#575)
    06e48f2 - test: skip failing wk test
    3269358 - feat(webkit): covert pipe to websocket when asked (#570)
    bb4ae87 - feat(webkit): roll webkit to 1106 (#573)
    💻 1c96d42 - browser(firefox): support request interception (#572)
    🚚 869ffc8 - chore(webkit): remove _disconnectFromTarget (#567)
    💻 05cb267 - browser(webkit): do not require DRAG_SUPPORT for simple drag selection (#569)
    710554b - feat(testrunner): add it.repeat to repeat test multiple times (#568)
    0e361c9 - devops(ci): drop debug output from travis.yml
    d7fde0c - devops(ci): resurrecting travis
    6308dbe - fix(webkit): always push state changes to the provisional page (#564)
    ✏️ 27bdc66 - docs( fix typos (#566)
    📄 eab8f92 - docs: create a single top-level TOC for (#561)
    💻 f887797 - docs(readme): add browsers table to