Changelog History
v1.1.1 Changes
June 18, 2020โก๏ธ Updates
- Fixed the bug by removing an invisible character ( U+2060 ) due to visibility in CJK (Chinese Japan Korea) font family.
For further information, it is related to issue #12. - โก๏ธ Randomised the position of insertion of zwc stream in the cover message and updated stegcloak to support backward compatibility.
Detailed discussion is available in #15.
Stegcloak v1.1.1 is stable and published.
- Fixed the bug by removing an invisible character ( U+2060 ) due to visibility in CJK (Chinese Japan Korea) font family.
June 18, 2020 -
v1.0.1 Changes
June 15, 2020 -
v0.0.8 Changes
May 26, 2020๐ U+2061 was added and it proves to achieve our cross-platform / web invisibility requirements.
๐ More functions made point free and code formatting
v0.0.6 Changes
May 15, 2020ZWC <180e> rendered weirdly as MSP on iOS devices, compromising the invisibility - now replaced with <2060> which works everywhere.
Huffman failure cases optimisation.
Now, StegCloak CLI is super smart about the questions it asks - if no encryption was used while hiding, no password question is prompted regardless of how the data is given to reveal (-cp, file or direct prompt-based input).
v0.0.5 Changes
May 14, 2020โ The existing ZWCs weren't working on Twitter, so with good amount of testing we were able to zero in on 6 invisible characters, which are not blacklisted on any social media or the web.
โก๏ธ Updated the salt length from 128 bits to 64 bits, given the uniqueness and other factors. Reduced static 32 ZWC in every payload.
โ Added Huffman compression over ZWCs to improve compression after creating the invisible stream - more compression.