Supervisor v1.0.2 Release Notes

    • supervisorctl and supervisord no longer need to run on the same machine due to the addition of internet socket support.

    • ๐Ÿ”ง supervisorctl and supervisord no longer share a common configuration file format.

    • supervisorctl now uses a persistent connection to supervisord (as opposed to creating a fresh connection for each command).

    • ๐Ÿ‘ SRP (Secure Remote Password) authentication is now a supported form of access control for supervisord. In supervisorctl interactive mode, by default, users will be asked for credentials when attempting to talk to a supervisord that requires SRP authentication.

    • ๐Ÿ”ง supervisord has a new command-line option and configuration file option for specifying "noauth" mode, which signifies that it should not require authentication from clients.

    • ๐Ÿ”ง supervisorctl has a new command-line option and configuration option for specifying "noauth" mode, which signifies that it should never attempt to send authentication info to servers.

    • supervisorctl has new commands: open: opens a connection to a new supervisord; close: closes the current connection.

    • ๐ŸŒฒ supervisorctl's "logtail" command now retrieves log data from supervisord's log file remotely (as opposed to reading it directly from a common filesystem). It also no longer emulates "tail -f", it just returns lines of the server's log file.

    • The supervisord/supervisorctl wire protocol now has protocol versioning and is documented in "protocol.txt".

    • "configfile" command-line override -C changed to -c

    • top-level section name for supervisor schema changed to 'supervisord' from 'supervisor'

    • โž• Added 'pidproxy' shim program.

    Known issues in alpha 2:

    • If supervisorctl loses a connection to a supervisord or if the remote supervisord crashes or shuts down unexpectedly, it is possible that any supervisorctl talking to it will "hang" indefinitely waiting for data. Pressing Ctrl-C will allow you to restart supervisorctl.

    • Only one supervisorctl process may talk to a given supervisord process at a time. If two supervisorctl processes attempt to talk to the same supervisord process, one will "win" and the other will be disconnected.

    • Sometimes if a pidproxy is used to start a program, the pidproxy program itself will "leak".