Supervisor v3.3.0 Release Notes

Release Date: 2016-05-14 // almost 8 years ago
    • ๐Ÿ“Š supervisord will now use kqueue, poll, or select to monitor its file descriptors, in that order, depending on what is available on the system. Previous versions used select only and would crash with the error ValueError: filedescriptor out of range in select() when running a large number of subprocesses (whatever number resulted in enough file descriptors to exceed the fixed-size file descriptor table used by select, which is typically 1024). Patch by Igor Sobreira.

    • /etc/supervisor/supervisord.conf has been added to the config file search paths. Many versions of Supervisor packaged for Debian and Ubuntu have included a patch that added this path. This difference was reported in a number of tickets as a source of confusion and upgrade difficulties, so the path has been added. Patch by Kelvin Wong.

    • ๐Ÿ‘ Glob patterns in the [include] section now support the host_node_name expansion. Patch by Paul Lockaby.

    • Files included via the [include] section are now logged at the INFO level instead of WARN. Patch by Daniel Hahler.