

Pipe JSON or CSV to tty-table and get a table output to your terminal, import tty-table as a module for your own cli application, or use it in the browser.

Code Quality Rank: L4
Monthly Downloads: 0
Programming language: JavaScript
License: MIT License
Latest version: v4.1.3

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Display your data in a table using a terminal, browser, or browser console.


[See here for complete example list](examples/)

To view all example output:

$ git clone https://github.com/tecfu/tty-table && cd tty-table && npm i
$ npm run view-examples

Terminal (Static)



Terminal (Streaming)

$ node examples/data/fake-stream.js | tty-table --format json --header examples/config/header.js


  • See the built-in help for the terminal version of tty-table with: $ tty-table -h

Browser & Browser Console

Browser Console Example

API Reference


Table(header array, rows array, options object)

Param Type Description
header array Per-column configuration. An array of objects, one object for each column. Each object contains properties you can use to configure that particular column. See available properties
rows array Your data. An array of arrays or objects. See examples
options object Global table configuration. See available properties
header array of objects
Param Type Description
alias string Text to display in column header cell
align string default: "center"
color string default: terminal default color
footerAlign string default: "center"
footerColor string default: terminal default color
formatter function(cellValue, columnIndex, rowIndex, rowData, inputData Runs a callback on each cell value in the parent column. Please note that fat arrow functions () => {} don't support scope overrides, and this feature won't work correctly within them.
@formatter configure function(object) Configure cell properties. For example: this.configure({ truncate: false, align: "left" }) More here.
@formatter resetStyle function(cellValue) Removes ANSI escape sequences. For example: this.resetStyle(" myText") // "myText"
@formatter style function(cellValue, effect) Style cell value. For example: this.style("mytext", "bold", "green", "underline")For a full list of options in the terminal: chalk. For a full list of options in the browser: kleur
headerAlign string default: "center"
headerColor string default: terminal's default color
marginLeft integer default: 0
marginTop integer default: 0
paddingBottom integer default: 0
paddingLeft integer default: 1
paddingRight integer default: 1
paddingTop integer default: 0
value string Name of the property to display in each cell when data passed as an array of objects
width string \ \


let header = [{
  value: "item",
  headerColor: "cyan",
  color: "white",
  align: "left",
  width: 20
  value: "price",
  color: "red",
  width: 10,
  formatter: function (value) {
    let str = `$${value.toFixed(2)}`
    return (value > 5) ? this.style(str, "green", "bold") : 
      this.style(str, "red", "underline")
rows array


  • each row an array js const rows = [ ["hamburger",2.50], ]
  • each row an object js const rows = [ { item: "hamburger", price: 2.50 } ]
footer array
  • Footer is optional


const footer = [
  function (cellValue, columnIndex, rowIndex, rowData) {
    let total = rowData.reduce((prev, curr) => {
      return prev + curr[1]
    }, 0)

    return this.style(`$${total}`, "italic")
options object
Param Type Description
borderStyle string default: "solid". options: "solid", "dashed", "none"
borderColor string default: terminal default color
color string default: terminal default color
compact boolean default: false Removes horizontal borders when true.
defaultErrorValue mixed default: '�'
defaultValue mixed default: '?'
errorOnNull boolean default: false
truncate mixed default: false When this property is set to a string, cell contents will be truncated by that string instead of wrapped when they extend beyond of the width of the cell. For example if: "truncate":"..." the cell will be truncated with "..." Note: tty-table wraps overflowing cell text into multiple lines by default, so you would likely only utilize truncate for extremely long values.
width string default: "100%" Width of the table. Can be a percentage of i.e. "50%" or a fixed number of columns in the terminal viewport i.e. "100". Note: When you use a percentage, your table will be "responsive".


const options = {
  borderStyle: "solid",
  borderColor: "blue",
  headerAlign: "center",
  align: "left",
  color: "white",
  truncate: "...",
  width: "90%"

Table.render() ⇒ String

Add method to render table to a string


const out = Table(header,rows,options).render()
console.log(out); //prints output



  • [Terminal](docs/terminal.md):
$ npm install tty-table -g
  • Node Module
$ npm install tty-table
  • Browser
import Table from 'https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/gh/tecfu/tty-table/dist/tty-table.esm.js'
let Table = require('tty-table')   // https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/gh/tecfu/tty-table/dist/tty-table.cjs.js
let Table = TTY_Table;             // https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/gh/tecfu/tty-table/dist/tty-table.umd.js

Version Compatibility

Node Version tty-table Version
8 >= 2.0
0.11 >= 0.0

Running tests

$ npm test
$ npm run coverage

Saving the output of new unit tests

$ npm run save-tests

Dev Tips

  • To generate vim tags (make sure jsctags is installed globally)
$ npm run tags
  • To generate vim tags on file save
$ npm run watch-tags

Pull Requests

Pull requests are encouraged!

  • Please remember to add a unit test when necessary
  • Please format your commit messages according to the "Conventional Commits" specification

If you aren't familiar with Conventional Commits, here's a good article on the topic


  • feat: a feature that is visible for end users.
  • fix: a bugfix that is visible for end users.
  • chore: a change that doesn't impact end users (e.g. chances to CI pipeline)
  • docs: a change in the README or documentation
  • refactor: a change in production code focused on readability, style and/or performance.

[Packaging as a distributable](packaging.md)


MIT License

Copyright 2015-2020, Tecfu.

*Note that all licence references and agreements mentioned in the tty-table README section above are relevant to that project's source code only.