Test modules

Showing projects tagged as Testing and Test

  • Jest

    9.8 9.6 L3 TypeScript
    Delightful JavaScript Testing.
  • Mocha

    9.4 7.6 JavaScript
    ☕️ simple, flexible, fun javascript test framework for node.js & the browser
  • ava

    9.2 8.2 L4 JavaScript
    Node.js test runner that lets you develop with confidence 🚀
  • jasmine

    9.1 7.1 L3 JavaScript
    Simple JavaScript testing framework for browsers and node.js
  • volkswagen

    8.6 0.0 JavaScript
    :see_no_evil: Volkswagen detects when your tests are being run in a CI server, and makes them pass.
  • TestCafe

    8.4 9.1 L4 JavaScript
    A Node.js tool to automate end-to-end web testing.
  • CasperJS

    8.4 0.0 L5 JavaScript
    DISCONTINUED. Navigation scripting and testing utility for PhantomJS and SlimerJS
  • tape

    7.5 8.6 L5 JavaScript
    tap-producing test harness for node and browsers
  • intern

    7.2 0.0 L5 TypeScript
    A next-generation code testing stack for JavaScript.
  • loadtest

    6.3 8.0 JavaScript
    Runs a load test on the selected URL. Fast and easy to use. Can be integrated in your own workflow using the API.
  • power-assert

    6.3 0.0 L5 JavaScript
    Power Assert in JavaScript. Provides descriptive assertion messages through standard assert interface. No API is the best API.
  • tap

    6.2 9.8 L4 JavaScript
    Test Anything Protocol tools for node
  • testdouble.js (AKA td.js)

    5.6 6.6 JavaScript
    A minimal test double library for TDD with JavaScript
  • solidarity

    4.5 0.0 TypeScript
    Solidarity is an environment checker for project dependencies across multiple machines.
  • Hermione

    4.5 8.9 JavaScript
    Testplane (ex-hermione) browser test runner based on mocha and wdio
  • Crusher

    4.0 4.5 TypeScript
    🧙‍♀️ Fast low-code testing framework ⏱️ Create test in <60 secs
  • Unexpected

    3.6 5.6 L3 JavaScript
    Unexpected - the extensible BDD assertion toolkit
  • testen

    2.4 0.0 JavaScript
    :heavy_check_mark: Run tests for multiple versions of Node.js in local env.
  • test-each

    1.7 8.2 JavaScript
    🤖 Repeat tests. Repeat tests. Repeat tests.
  • hook-std

    1.6 0.0 L5 JavaScript
    Hook and modify stdout and stderr
  • wirepig

    1.2 4.5 JavaScript
    Better testing through the power of sockets.
  • core-assert

    1.1 0.0 L4 JavaScript
    DISCONTINUED. Node.js assert as a standalone module.
  • AVA

    0.5 0.0 JavaScript
    DISCONTINUED. AVA task for Start