
Code Quality Rank: L5
Monthly Downloads: 0
Programming language: JavaScript
License: MIT License
Tags: Testing     Browser     Phantomjs     Slimerjs    
Latest version: v4.0.0

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Wrapper for Electron to simplify browser tests scripting.


Note, you need to install electron with this package, it is not included as a dependency.

npm install navit electron --save


const browser = require('./')({ timeout: 30000, engine: 'electron' });

const stack = []; // You can use lazy functions to pass data between stages,
                  // but arrays have more compact notation.

  .wait(() => {
    try { return window.NodecaLoader.booted; } catch (__) { return false; }
  .click('forum-category__content:first forum-section__title-link')
  .wait(data => location.url !== data[data.length - 1], stack)
  .then(() => console.log('Succeeded'), err => console.log(err));

// Or with callback (old way)

  .wait(() => {
    try { return window.NodecaLoader.booted; } catch (__) { return false; }
  .click('forum-category__content:first forum-section__title-link')
  .wait(data => location.url !== data[data.length - 1], stack)
  // first param `true` is equivalent to `.close()` call
  .run(true, function (err) {
    console.log(err || 'Succeeded');

Also look files in test folder. Those are real examples how to use navit with mocha.


  1. All methods are chainable.
  2. Methods, marked with + have direct aliases without namespace.
  3. Chain should be finished with terminator .run([teardown,] callback) call.
  4. Almost everywhere String & Number params can be defined as functions for lazy evaluation.

Known limitations:

Some methods like .get.evaluate() allow to pass params to evaluated functions. navit uses function's .length property, to properly detect params count, because tailing callbacks are optional. That means, such functions must have explicit parameters list in definition, and you must pass exactly the same params count as defined. We decided, it's not a big price for nice API.

Electron is NOT headless. To run your script in headless environment, you should xvfb.

new Navit(options, engineOpts)

options (not mandatory):

  • inject: Array of scripts (file paths) to inject after every page load ([ require.resolve('jquery/dist/jquery') ]).
  • timeout: Page load and .wait() timeout, default 5000ms.
  • prefix: url prefix for .open() and .post(), default empty string.
  • engine: optional, engine driver to use. Only electron is available for now.
  • enginePath: optional, direct path to browser engine. Don't use without need, it should be autodetected via electron package.

engineOpts (not mandatory, camelCase):

See https://www.electronjs.org/docs/api/command-line-switches. You can pass any options, supported by browser engine. Option names should be in camelCase.

Actions: .do.*()


  • + .do.open(url [, options])
    • options:
    • method - get(default)|post|put|delete|head
    • data
    • headers
  • + .do.post(url, data[, options]) - shortcut to .open, for convenience; method is set to post, and data is forwarded to options.data.
  • + .do.back()
  • + .do.forward()
  • + .do.reload()


  • + .do.click(selector) - click on an element matching selector
  • + .do.type(selector, text) - type text into input or contenteditable
  • + .do.clear(selector) - clear input value (supports contenteditable)
  • + .do.check(selector) - toggles checkbox or radio
  • + .do.select(selector, option) - selects an option in dropdown
  • + .do.upload(selector, path) - selects a file in input[type="file"]
  • + .do.fill(selector, obj [, submit]) - fill out a form (same as fill in CasperJS)
  • + .do.scrollTo(top, left) - executes window.scrollTo(top, left)
  • + .do.inject([type, ] file) - appends a script or stylesheets from external file to page, type can be one of js or css (default type is js).


  • + .do.wait() - wait until page ready; can be useful after click, back and forward actions (open and reload track progress for html pages automatically)
  • + .do.wait(delay) - pause for delay milliseconds
  • + .do.wait(selector [, timeout]) - wait until selector available
  • + .do.wait(fn [, params..., timeout]) - evaluate function in cycle, until returns true.

Get data/params: .get.*()

All functions, passed to .get.*, can be sync (with 1 param) or async (with 2 params). If function returns not falsy type of result (usually a Error) or throws exception, chain will be terminated. That can be used to create complex test conditions.

  • + .get.title(fn)
  • + .get.url(fn)
  • + .get.count(selector, fn)
  • + .get.text(selector, fn)
  • + .get.html([selector,] fn) - when no selector given, returns full page html.
  • + .get.attribute(selector, attribute, fn)
  • + .get.value(selector, fn) - for input/selector fields, returns field value.
  • .get.evaluate(fnToEval [, params, fn]) - evaluate function on client with optional params. Returned result can be processed on server, if handler set.
  • .get.status(fn)
  • .get.body(fn)
  • .get.headers(fn) - return server reply headers. Note, testing method is not "symmetric" - use .test.header(name, ...).
  • .get.cookies(fn) (no pair in .test.*)


  1. If you pass Array instead of Function, data will be pushed into it.
  2. If fn returns Error object (or anything else not falsy), chain will be stopped with that value.
  3. If last param (callback) exists, chain will be finished as with .run method.

Set data/params: .set.*()

  • + .set.headers(obj)
  • + .set.useragent(string)
  • + .set.authentication(user, pass)
  • + .set.viewport(width, height)
  • + .set.zoom(scale)
  • + .set.cookie(obj)
  • + .set.cookie(name, value) *If value not passed, cookie will be deleted.

Assertions: .test.*() & test()

Tests available for the most of get.* methods:

  • .test.method_name(params..., value [, message)
  • If value to compare is RegExp, then data is converted to String, and tested to match provided regexp.
  • Negative condition .not can be added to almost any test, before or after method name.


  • + .test[.not].exists(selector [, message])
  • + .test[.not].visible(selector [, message])
  • + .test.evaluate(fn [params..., message]) - evaluate & die on any result but true.

Special sugar:

  • .test(status_number [, message])
  • .test(body_rexexp [, message])
  • .test(header_name, string_or_regexp [, message])

Tabs: .tab.*()

  • .tab.open([url [, options]]) - create and switch to new tab. Run .do.open(url, options) if url specified
  • .tab.count(fn) - get tabs count (if you pass Array, value will be pushed into)
  • .tab.switch(index) - switch to tab by index
  • .tab.close([index]) - close tab by index or close current tab if index not specified
    • negative index address tab from the tail
    • after all tabs closed, new one will be created automatically


  • .fn(function, params) - local function execute. Function can be with callback or sync or async or return Promise. Params count should match function signature for sync functions (and be 1 less for function with callback).
  • .exit() - tear down browser process. Note, browser will NOT be closed until you do it explicit via this method or .run(true, ...).
  • .close() - similar to .exit() but stackable (will be executed in order with other chained commends).
  • .run([teardown,] done) - terminate sequence of commands (execute and do callback).
    • If teardown is true, then close the browser after the sequence finishes.
    • If callback not passed, return result as Promise.
  • .then(onSuccess, onFail) - executes .run(false) under the hood.
  • .screenshot([ selector|bounding_rect, type,] path) - do screenshot
  • .registerMethod(names, fn) - add new method with given name(s) (names can be string or array).
  • .use(plugin [, params...]) - apply plugin.


navit allows record sequence or commands to run it later with one call as many times as you wish.

// create
.batch.create('init_page', function() {
    .wait(function () {
      try {
        return window.NodecaLoader.booted;
      } catch (__) {}
      return false;
    .viewport(1600, 1200)
    .fn(function () {
      console.log('Batch done.');
// run


If you assign function to this property, it will be called after any .open and .reload definition to stack additional commands. This is experimental feature, that can be changed.

Sometime you may wish to do global setup for all opened pages. For example:

  • wait full page init, when it has dynamic scripts loader.
  • inject testing scripts from remote host (when you don't like to use global option).

You can record your sequence to batch and automate it's injection after every open / reload. See example how we setup navit in nodeca:

// Wait for nodeca scripts load and check status
navit.batch.create('waitNodecaBooted', function () {
    .wait(function () {
      try {
        return window.NodecaLoader.booted;
      } catch (__) {}
      return false;

navit.afterOpen = function () {

Note. .afterOpen is called on chain definition phase, not on execution phase. It's ~ equivalent of typing content manually in test body. That's why it doesn't have callback to wait async operations - it's not needed.


If you assign environment variable DEBUG to navit, you will see debug message for every action.

Output example for DEBUG=navit mocha:

navit do.open('http://localhost:17345/test/fixtures/do/type.html') +25ms
navit do.type('#type-test') +20ms
navit test.evaluate() +9ms
navit do.type('#contenteditable-test') +2ms
navit test.evaluate() +9ms
  โœ“ type (64ms)

Other scripting projects

Here are links to other similar libraries and comments why we did this one. Note that comments are given according to our requirements. Your ones can be different. May be you need more to scrape data from real sites instead of interface testing and so on. Select the best package for you needs:

  • CasperJS
    • Runs standalone. You will not be able to control server and browser from single script (load fixtures to db, prior to open page).
    • Tests could be more compact, if CasperJS allows curried style.
  • Zombie.js
    • Uses jsdom. Nice idea, but jsdom emulation is a bit limited for complex things. We prefer real browser engines like PhantomJS and SlimerJS.
  • Nightmare
    • That was the nearest to our needs, and we used it before.
    • It has poor errors control if error happpens in the middle of batch. For example, if you wait for selector, it's difficult to check do you finished with succes or by timeout.
    • Too few built-in assertions.
    • Not actively developped (see tracker - some problems caused by buggy bridge to PhantomJS are not fixed for a long time).
  • Horseman
    • Has sync api, that can be convenient for scraping.
    • Sync api limits you with getting multiple data from browser to server - getter should be the single, always the last. You can workaround this limitation, but that will increase amount of code to write.




*Note that all licence references and agreements mentioned in the navit README section above are relevant to that project's source code only.